Is this Molasses ?? PIC's~!


Well-Known Member
That's molasses all right, there are different types though. Unsulfured, sulfured and blackstrap. The blackstrap you have is a lower-grade kind, but should have all the necessary complex and simple sugars to give your plants what they need in flowering so no worries.
I wouldn't put that shit anywhere near your mouth though.
Good luck with the grow.


Well-Known Member
Yep, that appears to be black strap molasses. They're not really clear on their website if it's black strap (the waste from the final processing of the sugar) but Treacle is the old word for molasses so my guess is yes.


Active Member
Thanx alot for ya info, unfortunatly i already tried a spoonfull off the stuff "yummy" ........ NOT!!!!!

im geussing i can dilute 1 tsp of this stuff to 1 ltr or water and feed once a week or every feeding?


Well-Known Member
I have heard several things about brewing molasses....that you have to have the perfect temp so the bacteria works it's magic and that it can only be brewed a certain amount of time.

Now that is just what I have read on numerous garden forums. Personally I have opted for the huge gallon of Horticulutral Molasses for 5 GBP and let the pro's do the science.

If it works the same by sticking a tbsp in the water then let me know because these people were saying that it needs to be brewed to produce the right micro organisms for the plant....something like that.

Unsulfered is horticultural. Molasses that people cook with actually tastes like really thick maple syrup coffee sweet. It's actually kind of good. I put it on soy ice cream instead of chocolate syrup one day.
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Well-Known Member
There's nothing magical about using it but $10 a gallon is a good price as long as that's not already diluted.1 tsp per liter should be fine. Just keep in mind molasses can reduce the nitrogen levels in your soil, I've seen it myself, so I don't give it to them until they start flowering. The reduced nitrogen is actually a good thing when flowering because it seemed to stop the flower from stretching too much. That's just anecdotal though since I didn't put it under any test conditions.


Well-Known Member
well not a post .because this is what im doing now. i need to know how to make a
If you mean start a thread ?? Go to marijuana forum at top of page...then find the topic...outside grow...toke & talk..etc... then you'll see start new thread at the top left...thats it... luck and welcome fellow Canuck,......


Well-Known Member
dont mean to hijack your thread man just dont wanna start a new one...

so which is better for your plants unsulphered or blackstrap cuz i just got

grandmas original molasses unsulphered but i havent opened it yet


The Martian

Active Member
Hello Folks.
Mollasses- USA
Black treacle - UK
Its just the same thing, the residue left over after sugar, (which is originally dark brown and sticky) has been refined.
BTW Livevibe, how much do you intend growing????????
you only need a tsp - tblsp per gallon, a few times during flowering, a Gallon of treacle will last you forever, your old lady will be baking parkin and making traecle toffee for the next 50 years, or rather she could if it was food grade treacle.
Why not just nip down to ASDA and get yourself a little tin for under a quid, that would last you years.
And unless I'm very much mistaken, treacle has'nt any micro organisms, and feeding to plants has nothing to do with it either, your not getting mixed up with Orchids are you, or are you growing orchids???
As I understand it, the plant uses the simple/complex carbs in the sugars, and maybe some other trace elements in it.
AAAHHHHH, just a thought, are you geddin mixed up with brewing, wine/beer, or just a fermenting yeast culture, in your growroom to augment the CO2?????
Toodle Ooooo All

The Martian

Active Member
Hi again all,
To the thread starter, I dont think that is black strap treacle, it looks like standard Tate and Lyle black treacle to me, and thats fine to eat, definatley food grade, makes Smashin Bonfire Parkin.


Well-Known Member
ive researched this molasses thing alot.. and from what ive read you want "UNSULPHURED BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES" not unsulphured or blackstrap both ;) i found some at my local store. as far as the amount i see alot of tsp recommendations here from everything ive read you want 2tbs per gallon. and im pretty sure you do not have to brew it. i get a gallon of water add my 2tbs let it sit for 2 days then your good to go :) but like someone else said only during flowering for best results the buds use up the sugars for the last 4-8 weeks of the plants life. well hope that helps just the info ive read thought id pass it on GL with your grow :blsmoke: