Is this normal?

One of my plants is starting to get these little green “warts” at the end of the leaves in which had been snacked on before by some insect, assuming it was caterpillars? Not sure. The other leaves that haven’t been touched / ate don’t have them.

Also, Can you use a mix of hot water, dish soap, and canola oil to spray on my plants to keep bugs away?



Well-Known Member
It definitely looks like something is starting to eat your plants with all the little specks I see on the leaves. The weird growth could be in response to these bugs going to town on your lady’s. I’m not sure about hot water, but a drop or two of real dish soap(not detergent) per gallon with canola would be great. I use neem oil every week with a handful of ladybugs in the tent and so far it’s working really well. Good luck homie