Is this normal?


My first grow, theyre about 2 weeks from seed. The 2 plant's leaves appear to be growing inwards on themselves, sort of creating like a hammock shape with the leaves. The medium is nutrient free hyponex soil (or something like that) mixed with perlite. They've been under 4 20w 6500k cfls (I just added 2 24w 2700k cfls today). There is an oscillating fan inside the box blowing on them, a cpu fan for an exhaust at the top of the box and holes in the bottom for intake. I have a 2 liter bottle of yeast and sugar for added co2 near the oscillating fan since the box is in the basement where no one ever goes. The one plant in the picture with some burns is one that had a tough time last week but is finally coming back.

For nutrients, all i gave was some 8-7-6 indoor mg plant food when the small one was doing bad (about a week ago) and my stems were red/purple and new bladed leaves were very purple. Since ive given the nutes, the stems are turning green again, the weak plant is growing new leaves, and the purple in the leaves is almost all gone (so I assume they had a N defficiency).

I'm pretty sure they should be bigger by now but when they first sprouted they were being overwatered, they were in a high nute soil (I transplanted them when i realized this), and they had no fan on them (their stems were shit), but overall theyve come a far way since the germination.

But back to this inward "hammock" leave thing, whats the deal? Is this normal?

Thanks for any help.



oh yeah, the first leaves (those round baby leaves) are lime green and dying on all 3. is this supposed to happen as they get older?


New Member
first thing first one plant one pot.......the leaves look ok i think ....could be wrong.....i think they are just growing towards the light


Well I definitely am not putting them through another transplant right now. Maybe in like 2 weeks. Think the root systems will be too large to move at that time?


New Member
are u serious.......transplant em now or they all die.....that simple.......u can prolly scoop em out with a spoon.....


Ok I'll try. They stretched alot the 1st week so when I replanted them I buried the stems like 3 inches so I assume the roots are pretty long now


Active Member
1 plant per pot, add more perlite your soil, looks very clumpy. 3 cups soil - 1 cup perlite, mix. If the soil is truly nutrient free, water them with a weak mixture of nutes 1/4 strength every 3rd watering. The leaves, looks like either poor drainage or over watering, possibly both.


I think I may have been overwatering before (like every 2 days), but now ive been waiting about 4 days between each watering. And yeah about 1/4 strength is what i used for the nutes. I do have quite a bit of perlite in the soil, but I can try to mix in more when the soil dries out a bit more. Here is the new set up, look better?

Yellow's roots (which was the one who was doing very bad early in life) were decent.

Blue's roots were fucking huge.

Green's roots were not good at all, which concerns me, there was barely any roots there. I hope I didn't damage them at all.

I'm gonna add two more cfls over blue and yellow tomorrow. My local hardware store didnt have Y-connectors so I'll have to make a trip back out to lowes.



the bottom half of each pot is new soil (dry), but the top (which is where all the roots are) is the soil that was in the old pot (i just put them in the old pot like 4 days ago so I assumed that soil is still good) and I just fed and watered that soil maybe 5 hours ago. Should I put some more water in the pots? I was just gonna rewater and put maybe 1/8 nutes in like 2 days (i assume itll dry faster since the bottom is dry and the pot is smaller) when the top layer is dry.


New Member
drop your lights bout a half inch off the top of the plants and let em be move em everyday and no more water .........its not a fish when the pot gets dry.....i mean dry......u can water and feed but seriously that should take awhile ......your pot should be feather light .......maybe next time u feed and water u should water from the bottom get your soil all the same......then go back to watering from the top


How do I water from the bottom? Just fill the drainage bowl thing and itll absorb or what? Never understood what people meant by watering from the bottom


And do you mean put the lights at 1/2 inch from tops and move them up everday when the plant gets a little taller? I had them closer and someone on the board told me to move them to about 2 inches away...


Active Member
seedlings don't need the light that close, they are fine at that height. Seedlings I grow in 16oz cups, little plant + big pot = hard to keep evenly moist, test the soil with your finger, when it feels dry an inch or two down, add water. A small plant doesn't need a ton of water 4 or 5 squirts from a spray bottle would probably be enough, directed at the stem.


Thats what ive been doing and it's being fine. I think my watering schedule is good because the one plant was droopy this morning and about 4 hours after watering and feeding it perked up, so I think I waited the right amount of time (about 3 days).

Yah I do feel like I am kind of wasting water tho. I fill the soil until it drips out the bottom, and leave it be until I put my finger in the soil and it's pretty dry again. Seems like a lot of water for 3 seedlings lol