Is this nutrient burn should I be worried ?


Active Member
Looks like it might of had a little pH stress, spots look like might be start of call mag deficiency. I'd put a table spoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and use it as a foliar spray just once I bet it goes away after a week or so. Sometimes it's easier to burn if your pH isn't stable. Overall looks like a good start


Active Member
Sorry bro I’m at day 16 ..... yeah it kinda freaked me out am I wrong if I just flush for a day and run bites @ 50% ?
I never flush with regular water but I use soil I don't like the thought of it having food and then instantly starving it. When I think I gave a bit too much I will water until I get runoff out the bottom about a half gallon with my 25gal pots. In hydro I usually drained all water and put half nutes back in. I've only flushed the last few days of flower and never had a plant burn up. Averaging 1-2 lbs in 3 months


Well-Known Member
Do you spray it with lights on? Those,marks almost look like little light burns. From water droplets causing thr magnifying glass effect.