Is this over watering? (pics)


This is my first grow, and mostly a test run to get some experience. I found a single seed in an otherwise really fantastic bag of Alaskan Thunderfuck from an mmj dispensary and germinated it in a wet paper towel. I never thought it would do well, but it has really taken off. Now it is 5 weeks from seed and I have a problem that I am too noobie to identify. I've been reading forums for days, but there are a lot of conflicting diagnoses. Here's the details:

Matanuska Tundra (Alaskan Thunderfuck)
5 weeks from seed
400w MH @ 18/6
soil: Fox Farm Planting Mix
nutrients: Botanicare Pro Grow + Liquid Karma @ 50% strength, distilled water, pH 6-7

What I originally thought was a N deficiency, has quickly turned into something that looks a lot more like over watering. The bottom leaves are yellowing with necrotic spots at the edges and are drooping low, curling down at the tips. The top of the plant has new growth and looks healthy though - growth doesn't seem to have been stunted.

I have been watering every fourth day, just when the soil dries out. I let it dry out an extra day, thinking I may have a drainage problem because I didn't mix in any perlite, etc., but the plant really drooped low on that last day, so I mixed up a new batch of nutes at 50% and watered it. These pics are from the next morning, after it perked up considerably.

She has pre-flowered and shown that she is worth saving, but I don't want to go into 12/12 with an unknown problem. This will be my mother plant and supply me with enough clones to get a nice little garden going (if it survives). Help me fix it before it's too late. Thanks in advance.



I picked up a soil tester, which says the pH is a little high (closer to 8 than 7). So could it be lockout? Potassium deficiency seems to be the most accurate description, but again, this is why I came to you guys - I don't know what I'm doing.


I flushed the soil and brought it down to about 6 (measuring the runoff). The cheap probe meter says the soil has a pH of 7 now, but I'm not sure how much I trust it. Once the soil dries some, I'm going to transplant to a bigger pot, clip off the dead fan leaves, feed with a balanced nutrient mix and see what happens.

Thanks for the help, I'll update when it gets better or dies.


The soil has dried enough that I dare to transplant her tonight, but I'm worried this may be in vain. The pH meter has shown a slow rise as the soil dried out over the last two days, from a 6.5 when I flushed it two days ago, to about 7.8 today. If I transplant to a bigger pot with this same soil mixture, it seems only logical that this trend will continue. Is it OK to mix my nutes at 5.5 or so and just let the soil pH climb back up as it dries out to allow uptake of every nutrient, then repeat? If not, then what the hell can I do at this point? Take clones and give up on this plant, or am I just overreacting?

Anyway, I'll definitely use a different soil mix next grow. I think this FF Planting Mix may be intended for outdoor beds. I should have read further on soil mixtures before I just randomly bought something.


Active Member
I'd chill out - the plant looks healthy overall. Screw the soil pH tester - it is probably garbage. Transplant it (looks like it is due anyway) into a proper soil and give it a few days before messing with it further.


Transplanted to a 3 gal pot with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. The roots seemed healthy and not waterlogged or discolored. She was definitely ready for a bigger pot.

I've seen differing opinions on whether or not to water right after transplant, but this new soil seems pretty moist already. I think I'll take your advice and just give it a couple days to see how she looks.


Active Member
I mean, if you are sure the soil is adequately moist, but I always water with transplant...