Is this plant to small for flowers


New Member
It one month old today from seed.
It was topped on its 5 node
A week ago and LST the same time
I had some over watering problems as well some light issues since i fixed that she is growing fast.

I only had two seed the other seed did not make it

There is one preflower but to small to see what it could be

I think i should start 12\12 cycle and see what happens
Do you think its to small to flower
Running under a 400 hps20170617_213410.jpg 20170617_213352.jpg


Well-Known Member
Of course you know you need to take pics in normal light.

Most plants reach sexual maturity at nodes 6-12.

The strain I have been running shows at 10 nodes every time.


Well-Known Member
I've flowered 2 day old seeds, direct seed, one week seeds, etc....depending on your yield expectations
yes its ok to flower at any time you wish.
In a limited grow I suggest flowering as soon as you want, being sure you will be able to supply the necessary resources to your
finished plant with expected increase in flowering plant size.


Well-Known Member

How much would it cost to buy the same amount of bud right there vs cost of production of that?


Oz in shops around here are 60-120 oz.
Old days 300-500 oz.. before the rec/med boom or you were Reggie Bush's biggest fan @ 60

Firing up1- 1k lamp and supporting sheet 100$ month x 3-5 months etc.



New Member
This is my first grow in the meanwhile
I have ordered some seeds online and got some better equipment.
My setup is in my carage with limited size but the space is not so bad. 6ftx2.5ftx5ft
Build it from old stuff and a budget
So this plant was one of 3 test plants i tried DWC on the one and areoponics on the other one . home made systems
And with no experience in hydroponics the didn't make it
This one i started in coco and ended up with a super soil mix i came across ago last week. Since the transplant and not over watering any more i started to get the hang of the indoor growing.

So im soon starting up new seedlings for the real run.
But what i wanted to know wil this plant be a waste and start flowering now.
The other thing is it wil be a waste to leave it another 2 weeks on 18/6 lights and find it to be a male plant


Well-Known Member
If you nothing else on deck, I'd let it ride.
If it turns out to be male, collect some pollen to make free seeds later.
If it's female, flower her. Free bud while the next batch are growing.