Is this resin?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. this morning after I put my plant out in the sun, I noticed little white spots shining all over my plant. Whenever I smell over the shiny white spots, I smell a very pungent smell of the plant- could it be resin? But this is effectivley the 4th or 5th week of veg. bc I actually planted in on Jan. 28, '09 but it went through numerous growth halts bc i was a n00b at growing so i didn't count those days. Could resin production start so early?

would you guys say its a good time to start cloning it? bc yesterday I cloned a cutting of the plant. its still alive thankfully.

also, do you guys think this is a good time to flower it now?

I would love some feedback on how you think my plant is growing too

Thank you all



Well-Known Member
Resin glands often look like you've described . . . so I'm thinkin' yes, your plants making some resin. ConGrats!
I can't see your bottom branches, but as soon as they are long enough to manage, you can start cloning them. Remember, growth is sparse down low on plants, so don't worry about taking a few off and cloning them.
I start mine flowering around a foot tall.


Well-Known Member
The best time for clones is when the lower branches are 3" to 6" & for flowering if your using hid big plants are ok, but if its cfl or another low lumen lighting, smaller plants are better with the lights surrounding the plants instead of just right above it.