Is this root rot


Well-Known Member
Plant is 2 weeks into flowering has yellowing leaves with browning black spots on is a few piics of roots20200603_233150.jpg20200603_233150.jpg


Well-Known Member
Probably lockout from overferting. Roots look fine. How often do you feed and at what strength? Cheers!


Well-Known Member
My ppm was at 4000 so i flushed it then my leaves where wilting then few days later started turning yellow with brown dots


Well-Known Member
Here is a better pic of root system as you can see not all the roots are white but since my ppm where so high it is very possible it is in nut lockdown but im a bit worried20200603_233156.jpg


Well-Known Member
My ppm was at 4000 so i flushed it then my leaves where wilting then few days later started turning yellow with brown dots
Try flushing it with 3x the volume of the pot and then feed->feed->water at 300-400ppm strength onward. At next water/feeding that is. ☮


Well-Known Member
Wow ty i thought it was gonna die my ppm is now at 900 but soil been wet for 4 days now its not drinking but new leaves looking fine


Well-Known Member
4000 ppm holy mary jane :o was that a typo ?

As Wastei said, flush that and reduce feed. I cant see root rot, but im suprised you didnt flat out nuke them. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I just put it in a fabric bag 22litres just hoping its still good. The roots are changing colours and not drinking. The meter i use still says wet been 5 days since i flushed it. Also its been 2 weeks since i went into flowering..


Well-Known Member
Look into running a combination of humic acid and kelp extract. It has everything you need for root health in soil. Natural PGR's, cytokines, vitamins and enzymes. Humic acid is optimal food for microbial life.

Most people use a ratio of 5:2 humic acid to kelp ratio. There's a lot of studies and anectodotal evidence supporting this. It's even more effective as foliar spray. A combination of the two should be even better. I still use in veg running hydroponics.