Is this root rot?


Active Member
Hey guys just had a question on wether or not this looks like root rot or not. It might just be staining from nutrient water but I'm not sure. My plants seem to be growing slow though. They look healthy and water temps stay right around 67 degrees and I'm not getting any slime or rotting smell. Let me know what you think. Thanks



Well-Known Member
if theres no odor I would say its stained
are you nutes dark with organic materials like kelp?

the lowest growth looks healthy so if it was rot it looks like its not happing still

are you using anything to manage root disease?


Active Member
Yeah I use seaweed extract that is really dark. I did buy some hydrogaurd and did one treatment of it so far. I'm new to all of this so maybe I'm just being paranoid. Thanks for chiming in though


Well-Known Member
ok so your using benefical bacteria

ok so no sterilizers

if you can keep your water that cool all the time you be in better shape than most

you might be able to use hygrozyme with bennies maybe ask around.
its expensive but it works to keep roots healthy

but if you don't need it then don't buy it

I prefer to foliar spray the kelp and keep my roots white and bright..but that's just me

im not a fan of using organics in hydro ... but again that's just me

plenty rave over the organic/nonorganic hybrid nutes


Active Member
Like I said very new to this and I did my homework but sometimes trying to find what's right or what works is a task. So I just take what a can and find something that works for me. Thanks for the help it's appreciated
Couple of things. One like someone mentioned above there would probably be an odor if it was root rot. Also what does the rest of the plant look like? Normally plants with root rot will have wilted and yellow leave, because it cannot properly uptake nutes. I would keep close eye on my plant above the growing media to see if there are any changes that would further support root rot.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
ok so your using benefical bacteria

ok so no sterilizers

if you can keep your water that cool all the time you be in better shape than most

you might be able to use hygrozyme with bennies maybe ask around.
its expensive but it works to keep roots healthy

but if you don't need it then don't buy it

I prefer to foliar spray the kelp and keep my roots white and bright..but that's just me

im not a fan of using organics in hydro ... but again that's just me

plenty rave over the organic/nonorganic hybrid nutes

Kelp extract is not a, nor does it contain "beneficial Bacteria" ....... It is a good source of minerals and micro nutrients. It has natural plant growth hormones and Amino Acids. It can also be a minor source for Fulvic acids


Well-Known Member
ok so your using benefical bacteria

ok so no sterilizers

if you can keep your water that cool all the time you be in better shape than most

you might be able to use hygrozyme with bennies maybe ask around.
its expensive but it works to keep roots healthy

but if you don't need it then don't buy it

I prefer to foliar spray the kelp and keep my roots white and bright..but that's just me

im not a fan of using organics in hydro ... but again that's just me

plenty rave over the organic/nonorganic hybrid nutes
was a hydro nut, loved it, and my wet/dry vacs too. threw in the towel because of this. I was too stupid to discover an organic approach that fit my habits and expectations. The ones purchased failed one way or another for me. I saw my eventual demise and began some pro mix buckets on the side with some organicare crumbles, they rocked my world so hard I stopped hydro, built
an outdoor dedicated building with tricked rooms inside. still rocking it with pro mix and organicare crumbles., added fish dust to my veg bags. never looked back, never had another flood/leak, saved thousands of dollars in ferts too. Electricity is cheaper, less humidity to deal with. its dirty as shit though, that part sucks. cement mixer for pro mix, tubs, disposal, ewwww, but still....rockin it!


Active Member
Yeah started using hydro just in case. I don't use the seaweed extract as beneficial bacteria. The plants look nice and healthy no wilting or yellow tips. Im gonna take that as it's not root rot. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Mmm, yes...A "zyme" product......It breaks down the "cellulose" fiber of the shed root layers......Kinda like "dust mites" eat the dead human skin we shed all the time...
Not exactly the best example of a beneficial in organic soil.....still it does fit.....
I think the point was
if using or while using these products he would void the use of sterilizing agents

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I think the point was
if using or while using these products he would void the use of sterilizing agents
That is correct. More like the other way around. The sterilizer would kill the bacteria.....But I got the point in your long post.

ANY "zyme" product will work for what you suggested the hydroguard for. There are plenty on the market.....Hesi, Canna, Cyco, etc, etc....

im4satori has given good advise! USE A ZYME product!

But, NO, you don't have root "rot".....they're looking like their starting to grow out well.


Well-Known Member
More like the other way around?????? what im4satori has given [B said:
good[/B] advise! USE A ZYME product!
I didn't advise he use an enzyme product, he was already using it

but it sounds like we agree... I think