Is This Safe?


I have one of my small plants that i want to start training using the bending method, i have the plant bent down with a paper clip i want to know if it is safe to start bending when the plant is this young and if im even doing it right.
yes but you really need to put it in the pot you will finish in that way it will stay tied down with out having to do it twice.


Ok, well do u think the solo cups will be good enough to have the plant spread and grow pretty big before running out of room for the roots? Im not really going for a big grow due to security reasons...


Yea maybe i should have waited longer before bending it, but as long as i know it will be fine then i dont care....


Well-Known Member
Plenty safe. I pop a hole in solo cups and tie em down with garbage ties that size....then they get it again in the one. Gall bags..than the 5gal pot...wsup dude...knew I find your posts eventually.


Well-Known Member
Depends on strain ...on my mental floss yes ...on that pink lemon Jack no...could need a blast of calmag


ohhhhh, my bad yea that sucks i dont have any calmag........ im not able to check my ph either, im not very prepared i kinda just hope for the best im working on getting some of these things though.