Is this TMV???


Active Member
IMG_8588.JPG Hey guys finally got around to popping some beans and I'm about 21 days in on my first home grow. Everything looks good on my other plants but my CFF Tangie looks like it has TMV. Can anyone confirm this or share what they think may be causing this problem?
Its never TMV
What is it then? We know what most people say it is not, but what the fuck are those symptoms? Its pretty obvious tons of growers around the world are seeing the same type of leaf patterns around Merica. What is that shit.................. Holy fuck.................
I've also experienced this on a seedsman blueberry. Between this and some serious fert burn, she ended up in dire straights and had to go to the compost pile. I did take two clones a couple weeks before things went really sour and they grew out ok, still showed the effed up mosaic-like pattern but not to the extreme of the original plant. The leaves that were affected also displayed whirled growth, but not the unaffected leaves. It also didn't spread to other plants which were in direct contact with them, so i dont believe its tmv either. Some searching online turned up lots of other folks with similar issues and some websites claiming "marijuana mosaic virus." There's even a company out there that claims they can test for it. But again, it didn't transfer to any other plants in the room, which points away from mosaic. I hope everything pans out for your lil girl...
It certainly looks like TMV, are the dark green parts of the leaves significantly thicker than the light? If so i think u have ur diagnosis
this paper was just published but all i have access to is the abstract. it talks about the symptoms

This is seriously interesting BB! I'm going to be calling on a member to see if he still has his student pass code.
Just as I always thought!

View attachment 3992658 Hey guys finally got around to popping some beans and I'm about 21 days in on my first home grow. Everything looks good on my other plants but my CFF Tangie looks like it has TMV. Can anyone confirm this or share what they think may be causing this problem?

NO TMV! NO TMV, Sunn Hemp (Sunn Hemp is a bean) Virus, or any mosaic virus in cannabis.

That is a somewhat common genetic condition seen in many strains. It does nothing to the plant or the yield. Your fine, run it out.

I had that exact same thing in a GreenHouse strain - The Dr. All the beans except 2 did that from an order. A patient later got more because I dropped the line and they wanted it. Had me run a plant for them in the rotation. This lot of seeds did not express that.

We have sent literally hundreds and hundreds of tissue samples to MSU for testing. NOT ONCE have we ever had a positive for any MV!

The stupid test kits sold out west - do NOT actually test for MV. They are also made by the companies that sell really expensive "treatments" for MV and they even tell you it does not "cure" the "virus" only slows it down. That is throwing away money!

The limited amount of virals that a cannabis plant can get,,is counted on one hand! The only "cure" for a virus that cannabis can get. Is to rip it up and burn it!

So lets end this here and now!

""Mosaic" disease is incited by a virus. The tobacco mosaic virus is very stable and can persist in contaminated soil, in infected plant debris, on or in the seed coat, and in manufactured tobacco products."

Taken from grow weed easy. Not my most trusted source but it suggests tmv can be in the seed itself. Couldve all been on the breeder.

Heres some info from the new zealand journal of agricultural research on tmv seed transmission in tomatoes.

See the above post! NO MOSAIC VIRUS'S IN CANNABIS! Cannabis can not be infected with any MV.

If your going to do research on any viral that can be in cannabis. Online forums are NOT the place to look!
But again, it didn't transfer to any other plants in the room, which points away from mosaic.


It certainly looks like TMV, are the dark green parts of the leaves significantly thicker than the light? If so i think u have ur diagnosis
""Mosaic" disease is incited by a virus. The tobacco mosaic virus is very stable and can persist in contaminated soil, in infected plant debris, on or in the seed coat, and in manufactured tobacco products."

Taken from grow weed easy. Not my most trusted source but it suggests tmv can be in the seed itself. Couldve all been on the breeder.

Heres some info from the new zealand journal of agricultural research on tmv seed transmission in tomatoes.

LIKE BB said.

READ this whole thread linked above. Still want more? Search here for TMV and read my answers in those too.

If your going to do research on any viral that can be in cannabis. Online forums are NOT the place to look!

You say this but then you give a link to another thread to prove yourself..

Sorry if im not just taking your word for it, although you have me doubting. I redacted my previous post for now

Any link to info on the genetic condition? I think that would really properly clear things up here..
I have a Chemdog that always had the same looking variegation from #1 to # 120/clone from a clone. I dont claim to know what it was. I mess around with long term clone storage and prepped this strain normally. After a year in a test tube mold free a sample was rooted and did not show this after another #70 still cloning from a clone, albeit the issue free one now as I cull the other line.
bleach, iso, bleach, iso, etc for plant prep. I dunno, maybe a fluke, maybe not, but my chems are now free of this unsightly blemish:roll:)

culturing is well known to be used to rid plant tissues of virus'
What is it then? We know what most people say it is not, but what the fuck are those symptoms? Its pretty obvious tons of growers around the world are seeing the same type of leaf patterns around Merica. What is that shit.................. Holy fuck.................

contact the breeder, ask questions, you'll be surprised at what you hear I bet.
I mess around with long term clone storage and prepped this strain normally. After a year in a test tube

culturing is well known to be used to rid plant tissues of virus'
are there any pics of something similiar to this? im having a hard time visualizing what youre doing?a piece of stem? sounds a bit Island of Dr Moreau-ish:fire: