is this turning hermie?


DSCF7559.jpgDSCF7559vol2.jpg or is this just a juicy calyx?

i opend one and it had a very small like pea this just the begginngs of new bud production or isit trying to seed?


Active Member
Im not a pro but I had some hermi problems this year. That isnt a sure sign of hermi. You will see something similar to that that opens up and has little bananas in it. Also I was able to find random bananas in my buds. mostly on the top. If you think they may be turning I would just inspect them very close daily. dont make the mistake I did and rip them out before you are sure :) Later you may realize you wasted what could have been a good plant.


thanks mate! ill keep a close eye! buds are so nice and stinking! hope they stay shes! bigtime!


Well-Known Member
Just calyx.. Don't worry about it especially if it's the only plant. I've been growing constantly for 4 1/2 years and I've only had a hermie seed itself badly once and it didn't really effect the other plants much, just a few seeds. Only a couple seeds hear and there a few other times. I have chopped a few but they were obvious and it happened early in flowering because it was a genetic problem.. They happen but don't get overly concerned about it...