Iso Extract From Fresh Frozen Pic


Well-Known Member
Here's what my extract looks like. I posted about it on another thread about a week ago, but that time I accidentally bought 70% iso instead of 99% so I had some ice issues but this time I got the right kind and it went smoother.

As I described earlier but will repeat here, I take fresh bud, just wilted, so slightly reduced in bulk but not much, and I push it down into a gallon jug fairly solidly as a "column". It's a kind of jug without a handle built in, so it's a nice even funnel when upside down and the bottom cut off, and then I put a piece of plastic over the cut off end with an elastic as a cover of sorts and put it in a freezer for about 24 hours. Then I simply pour freezer temperature 99% isopropyl in, with the funnel end supported over a 2 liter glass measuring cup, jumbo you might say. The support is just a flat polypropylene cover from another container with a round hole cut in the middle large enough to sit the end of the gallon jug down into, about 3" diameter. I pour it in at intervals, not all at once, I want some to go through before adding more, takes about three 500 ml bottles in total. The amount of bud in the jug would be about 1/2 lb if dried.

The dripping is done inside the freezer, I just take the whole apparatus out to pour the iso and then put it back in, covered with plastic. After the last bottle I let it drip overnight, it takes quite some time for it all to drip out through the hole in the cap that I drilled. No filtering is required, it comes out clean. Could have a piece of metal screen in the bottom instead of the cap but I just use the cap alone. I won't bother going into the rest of it after the dripping part, most people would just evaporate it at that point but I do a more complicated procedure involving water. Anyway, when complete it looks like this and is superior to extract made from dried material. I would never dry bud if I were going to extract it, it's pointless and degrades the resin. The volume using fresh instead of dried is only about double, so it's still quite practical. The pic is a little blurry but you can see it well enough to know that it's not at all green and not at all dark brown. I had it stored cold, it's not normally a solid chunk like that. That was 22 grams there, not a particularly high yield strain, only get about 10% of dry weight out of it. I switched to another strain but the first batch of it hasn't come through yet, hopefully more resin than this strain which was one called Ice Cream, Paraside Seeds, can't really recommend it.

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Though I had put that extract in the freezer for storage right after I made it and it was still gooey, I noticed that the utensils I had used to scrape it off the glass container had some adhering to them and that it had "set up" into a solid form later, so I took the rest of it out of the freezer and let it warm up on the parchment. At first it was gooey and flattened out into a pancake. I left it sitting for about 12 hours and it set up. It's now a solid disk with a matte appearance rather than shiny. That never happened when I extracted the same strain after dried, it was just a fairly dark reddish color and stayed gooey permanently. The disk has a fudge-like consistency now. Look how I could prop it up against a protein powder scoop. This is the primo of all primos.

Fudge 2.png