ISO EXTRACT METHOD - Reclaims solvent and best flavor around

Hi, thanks for all this valuable information. I just want to ask a question, why do you use a reaction vessel instead of a distillation flask? Is it to empty the extract more easily?
Thanks a lot.

Exactly, perfect for retrieving the product. Good luck getting shatter out of a flask or finding a syringe that reaches well enough to suck up heated version, learned the hard way a long time ago when I got to my 1st successful runs using lab gear (its so sad to have to make it edible oil right outta the gate :( just to retrieve out of a flask ). Think of the reaction vessel hooked up as a vac distill as a 'pimped out' version of a Vacuum/Degassing Chamber, that can do so much more!
The final product can be assumed under the tongue? I'm really new about the world of concentrates and I don't know the difference between all these types. I'm an huge fan of cannabis oil, it's similar?
The final product can be assumed under the tongue? I'm really new about the world of concentrates and I don't know the difference between all these types. I'm an huge fan of cannabis oil, it's similar?

You definitely could, however i would use this to make something for dabbing or for a vape cartridge. For under the tongue, i would use the remaining material after this process is run in a soxhlet extractor or search RSO - Rick Simpson Oil and make a remaining extract for edible use. Cheers and best of luck in your exploration of extracts!
it's been a bit since I ran this method so nothing current on my new phone, but from about 3 yrs ago when we decided to try live as a larger scale thing, I have this as my 1st test outcome on my PC saved in a memories folder of all our 1sts and sentimental shit like that. I have tons of pics ill dig up for you someday but this was live batch one, you can see material used as i cut it down and then the resulting extract:

Very nice.
Sorry for bringing back such and old thread but there isn’t a lot of guides as god as this one in here. So I’m having trouble finding all the parts for hooking up a Water pump to an aspirator. This is the aspirator I currently have. Aspirator Filter Pump

Had it for about a year but can’t use bc I can’t find the right adapter to hook it up to my sink faucet. So how exactly would I get this hooked up to a water pump? A good link to a good watt pump would also be helpful.
Sorry for bringing back such and old thread but there isn’t a lot of guides as god as this one in here. So I’m having trouble finding all the parts for hooking up a Water pump to an aspirator. This is the aspirator I currently have. Aspirator Filter Pump

Had it for about a year but can’t use bc I can’t find the right adapter to hook it up to my sink faucet. So how exactly would I get this hooked up to a water pump? A good link to a good watt pump would also be helpful.

The threads in my faucet are the same as an outside water spigot,I'm running off a laundry sink.the threads are "fatter"than a regular kitchen sink.if you had a spare sink,a different faucet might be necessary to make that aspirator work with the kind of adapters I have.

Edit - I was on my way out the door when I first posted in response to you.i've used that rig on a kitchen faucet as well.i believe I took the top fitting off and just used the lower brown fitting connected to the aspirator.if you've got strong water volume/pressure like me,that will work nice for you.i'll check mine out again when I get home tonight.
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Yeah i can't use the kitchen sink. The landlord put this stupid spray hose faucet on it, cant screw anything on it. Can't use the bathroom bc the sink is too small. I thought of simply getting a new kitchen faucet. But i like the idea of somehow rigging a water pump to it, that way i don't have to waste a bunch of water. i might see about use int outside hose. But a water hose running thru my window might look a little suspect.
If you don't have a pump but can hook up a hose you might be able to affix the aspirator above the small sink. I would test it before building your setup. Alternatively I hear a bilge pump is a cheap way to do this (I'm getting ready to try this tech and plan on using an aspirator, but I'm waiting on the buchner filter). I have some pumps from old hydro setups I figure I can hook up.