iso hash question


Active Member
i made some iso hash with some good bud and shake, frosted with trichomes. i was wondering what is the more desirable look to go for.
2010-11-04 20.03.02.jpg
ive seen the clear hash oil looking like wax and that really looks good, but mine is grainy/dusty. after scraping off a glass pie dish, the darker (first go) came out. after straining the leafy material i let it dry overnight, and did it again and came out with the light brown. i noticed when i scraped it the second time it came off a lot easier, and dried quicker turning into little balls of powder, and doesnt really smells more like the weed i used. the darker on the other hand, smells more like hash has in the past. they both smoked real easy and got me insta stoned since i havent smoked in about a month.


Well-Known Member
It's not important how it looks if you're not providing it to patients or getting rid of it some how. So long as it gets you stoned you're good. When I have differences in runs like that it never matters to me; I just mash it all together into one big chunk anyway.


Active Member
i couldnt tell, both of them got me lifted about the same. really smooth. as for taste hm im gonna have to do a test real quick--wow! the dark taste so much better and is visibly stronger. but then again it was the original batch i made. has my nose running and everything.