isolation chamber


I was thinking of trying my hand at a little pollen chucking. I don't wan't to take the chance on seeding the rest of my crops, so I was looking for ideas, suggestions on a male isolation chamber. Either pre-made or diy.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
I was thinking of trying my hand at a little pollen chucking. I don't wan't to take the chance on seeding the rest of my crops, so I was looking for ideas, suggestions on a male isolation chamber. Either pre-made or diy.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Put it in another room right before the pollen sacs start to open. If you have forced air heating/cooling then block the vents in that room. Use a cheap light or just daylight from a window. You can cut the tops when the pollen starts to drop and keep them over a surface that will allow you to collect the pollen after it starts dropping.

I just use an old water bottle with a hole cut in the side and filled a few inches with water. I just stick the male tops through the hole and lean them over a plate.

It's a very simple process as is chucking pollen which is why I don't understand all the people clamoring over and paying ridiculous amounts for seeds from many of these so called breeders that are just chucking pollen. Designing the cartoon packaging and coming up with some ridiculous sounding name that includes space, monkey, banana, fire, etc... is more difficult than producing seeds.


thank you for the response. Not really what Im looking for. Knowing when the pods will pop is the problem, Im at work too much to keep that close of an eye on them. I really would like some kind of male space that I don't have to worry about. I've seen a few builds with clear totes fitted with hepa filters on intake an exhaust, Im looking for something like that. Just wondering if there are more, or better options ?
thank you for the response. Not really what Im looking for. Knowing when the pods will pop is the problem, Im at work too much to keep that close of an eye on them. I really would like some kind of male space that I don't have to worry about. I've seen a few builds with clear totes fitted with hepa filters on intake an exhaust, Im looking for something like that. Just wondering if there are more, or better options ?

Move the plant before they start opening if you can't tell when they're about to open. You can make it complicated and build some contraption with a Hepa filter if you want. I typically grow regular seeds, make more seeds every grow, and have been for years. All I do is put the plant in another room. It's that simple. Cannabis growers seem to want to overcomplicate things for no real reason other than they can.
I have been eliminating my extra steps year after year. But only because water works so well to deactivate pollen, so it's easy to just spray down surfaces with a fine mist pray bottle. I like to use a room with easy to clean surfaces... I like to heavily top & prune the male, almost bonzai, to make him easy to contain. I used to seal him inside a giant 20 micron bag from a 50 gal bubble set, for the last 2 weeks, and then only open it once to collect pollen. Pollen should be 25-30 microns so if the bag is good it should catch most of it.
Get a clear plastic bag and put it over the plate and bottle of water as shown. It is not like the branches need fresh air. Tape it shut.