Isomerization for Newbs Like Me

Hi all Im not sure how many of you know about this process but if done right can increase the potency of your material by 3 to 5 times. It involves turning lesser cannibinoids into thc. From what i read the leaf material is mostly comprised of these lesser canni`s. I would like to describe a method for doing this process and ill try to use easy to obtain items. Ok for this you`ll need a crockpot to heat up the elixir. Youll first wanna take your leaf and cover it up til its free floating in either alcohol 151 proof at least, methanol, or isopropyl alcohol. Let that reflux for two hours. Reflux in a crockpot would basically look like condesation on the top. But you should be watching the temp and know the boiling points. Basically keep it right at boiling point. After the two hours let it cool then add concentrated sulfuric acid. One drop per gram of leaf. BE CAREFUL GLOVES ANS GOGGLES. You can obtain this easily as drain cleaner at hardware store. Put top back on and reflux for another 4 hours. After the solution cools add baking soda til it stops fizzing. You do this to neutralize the solution. Take your leaf alcohol solution and filter it thro coffee filter thaan throw away leaf leftovers. Filter it into a masonjar. Take the solution and add same amount thats in there with water. Without adding this you cant do the final extraction. Now use either xylene, toulene, acetone, petroleum ether, etc all available at hardware storres and add one third the total amount in the jar. Shake the jar hard for ten mins then let settle. Use a glass dropper or something to get the top xylene layer off. Evaporate off xylene and you are left with bombass hash oil. Sorry if this was badly described im on a cell phone. Peace

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I see how this makes hashoil... But how does it effectively
increase potency, or turn lesser cannabinoids in to THC??

And all of the alchohol will never evaporate, you will always
be left with ions in your oils... Some people don't smoke
that nasty stuff


Active Member
basicly how the potenct is incresed all the trichomes are attached and its broken down to a more pure form of thc aka iso hash you basicly turn lets say 7 grams of some pretty good bud and trim into maybe 1.5 grams a honey oil aka hash im very familar with this process and i do it alot i just did some last night my smallest run yet i did 2 grams of cryp and got back .6 of some good oil and here are a few pics of what it should look like



Active Member
and i have a very simple method just take a pill bottle or something clear with a lid like a glass jar fill it up with ground up buds (i use buds u can use trim or mix) try to grind it up pretty good that way more alchahol come in contact with trichs fill it up about a half an inch over the bud line so u have a lil more alchahol than bud shake and agitate for about 15 to 30 secs get a coffee filter or a silk screen and run it through the screen onto a pyrex dish (easier to scrape ) also make sure to squeeze the filter to get all the juice out then throw the weed away if done right it should have little to no thc so now you should have the liquid in the dish u can A: let it sit out for a couple days or B: put in the oven on about 180 to 200 deg for about 15 mins at a time keep checking on it once all the liquid is gone you will see a golden to reddish goo on the pan let that sit for a couple of hours so you can scrape it cleanly and it will harden up if you do it to soon you will be scraping good and will never be able to shape it it will get everywere the best way to check is after it has set out for a hour or 2 take you finger and touch the hash and if it doesnt stick to your finger you should be good then do a small scrape with a razor blade and see if u can shape it into a ball or whatever shape u want if u can then you are good to go also once you get into a ball i would let it sit out overnight just to make sure all the alchahol is evapd trust me its worth the wait but if ur dying to smoke it take u a small hit mix it with a lil bud and you will be amazed


Active Member
isomerization actually does change the chemical structure of the cannabinoids, ive read about it before and usually its limited to professional growers in amsterdam and MMJ dispensaries ive never heard of an easy home method til now, i cant confirm or deny whether the OP's process works. be careful heating those solvents and never around open flame.