Issues with Super Soil Cooking


New Member
Hi all!

I have had a batch of super soil cooking outside in a sealed trash can for about 1 month now. I have been checking it about every 1-2 weeks and there is no myco web forming. The soil is being kept moist.

Additionally I have noticed a lot of gnats in the soil. I figure these are fungus gnats? Could those little bastards be eating my myco web and thats why its not forming?

Any suggestions are appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Spinosad will take care of your gnats, just do a soil drench mixed up at the bottles recommendation. WHat soil did you use to get the gnats? WE had a batch of foxfarms Ocean forest a few weeks ago that got it pretty bad and the spinosad did the trick. I'm just doing preventative applications now.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry its just dirt and shit. I have made over 20 large batches of supersoil and I find that in cooler temps the myco web actually is more aggressive and if you leave it out in the sun to cook in a black can it seems to knock back the myco web. Dont worry most of the microbes doing the work you cant see and don;t form a web. just let it sit for 60 day minimum sub says 30 days but that prob because he know most people are too fucking impatient to wait. The longer the "cook" the better the soil works and the more color changes you get at the end of flower.