It happened!


Active Member
I have a email address that I have had to abandon. It was the first letter of my first name and then my last name. It was nice. I didn't have a weird email address with numbers and what not after it. It started I would get receipts from orders on the internet. They would have addresses where things where being shipped. I would start getting emails to confirm that I signed up for websites. I noticed that all the names had a W in the name and the last name was the same. Wayne William.

I would get business emails and files sent for what ever project they where working on. I have gotten photos from peoples birthdays.

Today I got a sexy photo no nudity She was not to bad looking. I deleted it. So Sorry no pics. wouldn't be nice.

because I get so much other mail my amount of spam has gone crazy.

I signed up for pandoria one time and I was told that my email address had already been used. I did a forgot my password and got it from them. They had a Lady GaGa station.

good weed.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Sounds like someone is confusing your email address with another. Say your email is [email protected] and another guys email is [email protected], people will miss that period or vise versa.

I have people, bill collectors, doctors, and insurance companies call my phone at all hours to find a girl named Amber. I try to explain I switched my number through Verizon and I don't know her. They don't believe me and still call. I'm going to threaten law suits now and see if they stop calling.