It's a boy, yeah? Check it out!


Active Member
Aloha everyone,

The plant is about 6-7 weeks old from sprouting time, and it has showed signs of flowering for about the last week and a half. The plant doesn't gte an entire 12 hours of dark here, only about 11... but it seems to be doing alright!

Anyhow, I've attached the latest pics taken today... sure looks like a boy to me, maybe a hermie? There are definately hairs and a little bud up top, but you can surely see some balls too. Help me out and verify for me, could ya?! Thanks! :-P

Also, I'm wondering if the male plant isn't good for anything? I sure hate to see it all go to waste..



Well-Known Member
Looks very similar to the plant I have that I think is a hermie - my female plants don't have the little ball sacks that you can see there on your plant. I haven't decided what to do with my hermie yet - I at first thought it was a male and almost killed it. Good luck on your grow!


Active Member
So is a hermie worth keeping? Is it smokable, and would it still pollenate any ladies that might be around? (I have 2 much smaller, baby plants...)

If it's smokable, I'm keeping it! lol


Well-Known Member
Its smokeable to some extent. The males flowers pollinate the female on the same plant so you end up with fluffy bud that has seeds in it and not the full THC as a female plat would produce.

If your other two aren't big yet and don't show signs of flowering then just keep this hermie and grow it out. No harm in doing that.

Also couldn't help but notice the Aloha at the beginning. Hawaii im guessing?


Active Member
Big Island of Hawaii, Puna District :)

Thanks for the input about the hermie, I have been reading up today and read somewhere to take the balls off... is this even viable? Either way, I think I'll grow the thing and see what happens! I notice one of them on the top node opening, and something that looks like hairs is in there, just waiting to pop out... does this mean the thing's already pollenating?

Thanks again! I truly appreciate the feedback :)


Well-Known Member
yeah you can pluck as many balls as you can off the plant...either way the plant will be fully pollinated and perhaps will pollinate your other ladies. The seeds produce by the plant will more than likely turn hermie too. So yeah I'd grow it out but the seeds are somewhat useless.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I would kill it ASAP and get it away from any other plants. If its your only plant than let it go but if you got others you really should get that out of there. There is not enough of anything on a male to make it worth growing out at a huge expense to the quality of your female smoke.

Picking the balls off you are taking a big big gamble. I would kill it and if you want, go ahead and take the top areas off, dry them and smoke them. If the pot is good then the tops of the males should at least catch you a buzz while you are waiting for the super sweet stuff to mature.

I just cut mine down and dump them a good distance away.


Well-Known Member
Got anther guy on here from Puna. His name is PunaBud if ya want to find him on here.

The plant will only get pollinated when the balls open up and drop the white pollen from what looks like very small hanging bananas. If you pluck the balls off I can't see how it would get pollinated so I guess just pluck the balls off and grow out he buds.


Active Member
It's looking more and more "ballsy"! Damn, bummer I say. I'm hoping for better luck with my other 2... you think if I put them in seperate areas of our acre, the smaller plants would be safe of pollenation?