Its a Kushy Kush World

I'm back home in the coast mountain range after my little trip to the city (Vancouver) and surprise surprise, I'm back with kush crosses of all kinds. In the non-medical underground world of cannabis smoking, a connoisseur has to really dig deep here on the west coast of Canada to find something that is not kush related, or even indica for that matter. Now don't get me wrong, I am not hating what so ever, I mean I love my kush, I love the sweet taste of it, the awe so oowey goowey goodness that sticks to your fingers only to become finger hash after chunking a joint, the couch lock from hell that keeps you inside your house for hours, love it all! But as we all know, too much of anything is not good, and I want something different. The underground is saturated with kush, and if its not kush its still an indica of some kind. I understand, as a underground grower it is hard to grow sativa, let alone make a profit from it. Does anyone else have this strain dominant variety problem in their part of the world? If so what strain? What are your thoughts?

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf:


bud bootlegger
i tend to agree with pretty much everything that you had to say.. i like indica's, don't get me wrong, but i surely prefer my soaring, motivational sativa's that make me want to get up off my lazy arse and actually do something for a change, lol...
i don't have much of an underground network around where i live, not that i know of at least, but i tend to grow more indica or indi dom strains just for the reason's that they tend to be easier to grow and less finicky than a full blown sativa or even a heavy sativa dom strain can be.. not to mention things like flower times and yields, which indica's are known to have shorter and heavier yields...
my next grow though, i keep promising myself that i'm going to grow a sativa dom strain, even if it's something as simple as c99 which has a nice fast flowering time still, but has that sativa influenced high that i'm after..
i tend to blame some of it on publications that i tend to read that say how much harder that sativas can be to grow, and how much more nutrient sensitive they can be and how they're not really for novices.. after reading this for years upon years, i took it for gospel, and when i started to grow eventually, naturally i went for what i thought would be an easier grow with an indica dom strain, and have yet to break out of that mold telling myself when i get more experience, or this or that, but i keep putting off sativas to the back burner for some odd reason.. next grow i promise myself that i'm growing a nice sativa as i have some lovely sativa genetics like jack herer, kali mist, willie nelson and many others that i've made my mind up to attempt next go round..
I always tell myself next strain I grow will be sativa dominant and everytime I hit the seed bank I get cold feet and choose an indica. I have to make that leap one day! You named some really nice strains. Kali Mist and Jack Herer are 2 that I would love to try. We should have ourselves a combined sativa indoor grow journal one day!

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf:


Moderatrix of Journals
omg give me a hug!!

i'm southern bc too (if you're in the mountains probably in the direct opposite direction from van lol) and folks have been lamenting the same thing.... it's either "if it ain't kush don't bother" or the flipside of the coin, "omg it's not another effing kush is it?"

if you're looking for something different i highly recommend either of dr atomic's "thai lights" or "nepal baba".... oh you're a jordan fan! (mmmmm blue god....) he's got a solid afghani too, although for afghanis i'm partial to next gen's "avalon".....

way to support the locals! grow bc grow!
Lol, nice! Yeah I just love Jordan's approach, good strains, stable genetics, very fair price (all seeds come in packs of 10, and all strains are 60$ a pack) and local to top it all off. I am currently growing his afghani, 2nd time around. I love the size of the nugs on this short monster.

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf:


Moderatrix of Journals
yes, same reason i'm such a big dr a. fan. (cut my teeth on his nl x bb cross.... highly recommend.)

thai lights is a sativa he picked up in thailand crossed with atomic nl, nepal baba is a strain he was given seeds to by a holyman in nepal crossed with the same atomic nl. both have an otherworldly quality about them, although i've only grown the thai lights, and a loooong time ago. i remember it not being a super high yielder. i'm hoping to pick up some nepal baba and some next gen avalon next time i have some ready cash.
and maybe some rene x nuken (cash crop ken)


Well-Known Member
you can get just about anything here. you just have to know where to go. some places have more quality stuff and others have more variety but the quality can be up and down. it's all good stuff though. i always go to the same shop, they sell a lot of kushes, chem dog, sour diesel, blue dream... there is another shop i know where you can get a lot more variety but i prefer the smaller shops.
That's great, how about I buy some nice sativa off of you next time I'm in Vancouver? As I mentioned in my thread, for the rest of us living in the underground pot world the choices for sativa are slim to none.

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf:


Active Member
I understand what you mean by the indica dominance in the "underground" weed world..most of the bud I get is indica dom.. sativas are hard to come by in my areas, a nice treat when you get some though, last sativa dom weed i had was G13 haze.. powerfull stuff indeed


Moderatrix of Journals
sorry dude. luckily for us, our patients LOVE the kush (as do we), and you know i can only provide for them.


Active Member
Wow I thought I was the only one with this problem lol.. Except not really, considering I can just go down the block and pick up some crazy Lamb's Bread or maybe some Jack the Ripper from the club. It's funny though, most of the people I know in the 'underground' scene have both Sativa-doms and Indica-doms on deck. The friend who I buy from the most always has at least 10 or 11 strains to pick from, and usually a good mix of Sativas and Indicas.

I think I might just be lucky to live in this area :) Shame about Vancouver.


Active Member
NEVER. There really isn't any space for people to grow outdoors here unless you pick up some mountain weed grown in the Santa Cruz hills/mountains. Most everything is grown indoors under HIDs. The lesser quality clubs do have greenhouse and outdoor ganja though.


Active Member
If there is any other place in the world I would rather be than BC it would have to be N.Cali.
If you visit let me know :) I'll show you around.

SF is a great place to just go and blaze with the hippies, although the pipe shops have a huge selection but are also somewhat touristy. There is a great club called the Vapor Room that I frequent--they have Volcano vapes, Bongs, and papers, all of which you can use. Fuckin' awesome!

I once smoked out this random hippy looking dude who saw me puffing on some kingsize cones and kind of scavenged.. I saw him again after like 3 months around near the same spot and he gave me like an eighth of the chronic. I love California <3
I had a surprise visit from a friend just now and he had a treat for me that I would like to share with you guys. Although the visit was a surprise, it was no surprise what the treat was, kush! Here are some pics of some nice thick and crystally purple kush that I am smoking as we speak. close up 4.jpgCIMG1522.jpgclose 2.jpgclose up 3.jpgCIMG1520.jpg

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Nice lookin purple kush to go with that canada dry ginger-ale lol. But your so right bout indica dom strains. I love the Kali-Mist but your also right about why people don't grow sativa doms. When I first chose my seeds I specifically steered away from sativas, and I now regret. Real underground growers need to put out the supply of both.


Well-Known Member
Took a while to get out to TO but that's all they want and at 3400 # the customer is right. I grabbed some Fucking Incredible and could not give it away, great for getting shit done, but no couch lock on deal. Drives me crazy so I always grow some just for me.

Kitty I got some Shiva from the good Dr A and it had 5 different phenols I kept 3 one indica and 2 sataiva I'll post some pic's on my new grow. Pissed at all the differences but in the end happy for the grab bag I got.
Took a while to get out to TO but that's all they want and at 3400 # the customer is right. I grabbed some Fucking Incredible and could not give it away, great for getting shit done, but no couch lock on deal. Drives me crazy so I always grow some just for me.

Kitty I got some Shiva from the good Dr A and it had 5 different phenols I kept 3 one indica and 2 sataiva I'll post some pic's on my new grow. Pissed at all the differences but in the end happy for the grab bag I got.
I saw Big Buddha from Big Buddha Seeds in a video at the TY Expo in Toronto. He was trying to promote his cheese out in TO, trying to break through the kush world as he put it. I see this as a good thing of course.