Its all i can think about


Active Member
Just want to say hi 1st off ! And was wondering about working with aluminum flashing for the interior walls going to try my first bagseed grow and need sum help Ive got 10 seeds im going to germinate and want to get my setup together 1st ive read almost everything i could find on the net and this site (its great!!) and still not sure about the lighting 5000k to 6500k for each plant ? and can i put lights on both sides ive got lots of room big closet !!! 3' bye 6' just going to put a single row down the middle any info would be great !! Thanks and i hope this is the right spot to ask this ???


Well-Known Member
Yes, THIS the right place to post your questions.
I'm not sure what aluminum flashing is. Aluminum foil is not recommended, low reflection rates and possible heat problems. You're better off with mylar or white paint.
The terms 5000k and 6500k (k is for degrees kelvin, not thousand) refer to the predominant colors in the light spectrum of the bulbs. These bulbs are are for veg. 2700k is for flowering.
You can put your lights anywhere, they don't care which direction light comes from.
I'll try to find a link to information on how many lights you need for a particular number of plants in a closet.
+rep for doing your reading before asking questions.

Illegal Smile

Flat white paint would have better reflectivity than aluminum flashing and be easier.