It's amazing what some people will throw out.


Well-Known Member
These babies cost some bucks,so it's a nice find. The doors even overlap the frame which helps with light leaks. Unfortunately I just finished making a tent. It took a week to get it just right. I really want to switch to this one though. Maybe I'll sell my tent to a friend.

Im going to just line the whole thing with panda inside. Since it's plastic it leaks light unless you paint it black first then white. Pain in butt.


Well-Known Member
Sweet find. I found a hood on top of a pile of thrash...... drilled some holes in it and bolted on two pc fans to make it 'air cooled'.
Free hood with that rustic, traditional, highly sought after ghetto to the max look :mrgreen:

I should really paint the inside white or something....not for reflective purposes...solely to make it look more raggedy [



Well-Known Member
i once threw out a girlfriend. i had to be carried back into the house after watching some poor bastard dust her off and take her home. I laughed so hard i got a hernia. still hurts. especially when i kick another one out the door.

ok, that's all bs. but i did have to wait one out for 3 hours. psycho showed up at my door and camped their for 3 hours. it's not that i was afraid to kick her to the curb, i was worried i might have to finish her off in the bathtub.

aaahhhhhh, memories...good times