It's been neat watching/new pics


I've been smokin since 1975, :lol: but Ive never grown before,or rreally seen a plant. It's been interesting watching the plant grow and mature. Weather is supposed to go to highs of 65 and nightime lows of 45 thursday. I'm guessing this plant will yeild at least 2 oz. Can't wait to see how good. Just refilled my prescription, so I'm in no paticular hurrry to harvest. Should I fertilize to the end or water only? And rain, will it wash the leaves off of the "good stuff"?:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I'd hold off on fertilizer the last couple weeks or so. No rain wont wash off the good stuff, its oil based, hehe


Thanks for the input. Was told to be careful with the rain?? Seems all pretty natural to me. But what do I know,,,nuthin, thats why I'm asking you guys.