it's Obamas fault


Active Member

A paltry 23% of the nation now think the nation's on the right track.

Compared to:
45% - George W
43% - Clinton
52% - Reagan

Even the halfwits like yourself are beginning to realize that he has accomplished nothing of value.
Funny how YOU go on record against other presidents, yet are staying on Obama's side, even as he proves lie after lie to be true, as well as being a complete failure.
So, why don't you tell us what it will take for you to admit that YOUR beloved Obama has done a bad job? Dumb democrats that won't admit their candidate is horrible. Try to think for yourself lol

[h=2]"Americans' view of the nation's future, its leaders and its fundamental promise have darkened."[/h]


Well-Known Member
Sadly, Obama seems to look like the only adult in a room full of children in this whole fiscal cliff debacle.

That being the most likely case, yes, we have Obama to blame for a temporary uptick in the Dow.


Well-Known Member
only cause gun sales are up due to his bullshit ban hes trying to push through. FUCK OBAMA!


Active Member
You mean nothing you value. Which is less than a majority of people who reelected him
Oh please, enlighten me on what he has done that means value to you.

Even the uneducated, drug addicts, and free loaders are turning on Obama...

What do you have to say about the fact that even GEORGE W BUSH had an approval rating of nearly TWICE of Obamas?
Funny. Oh so funny.

Oh and btw, I'm not only disgusted at Obama, but congress as well, independent of party affiliation.


Well-Known Member

A paltry 23% of the nation now think the nation's on the right track.

Compared to:
45% - George W
43% - Clinton
52% - Reagan

Even the halfwits like yourself are beginning to realize that he has accomplished nothing of value.
Funny how YOU go on record against other presidents, yet are staying on Obama's side, even as he proves lie after lie to be true, as well as being a complete failure.
So, why don't you tell us what it will take for you to admit that YOUR beloved Obama has done a bad job? Dumb democrats that won't admit their candidate is horrible. Try to think for yourself lol

Keeping us from plunging into a major Depression is an accomplishment of great value that no one will give him adequate credit for because folks don't commonly laud people for preventing a disaster that they didn't really comprehend in the first place.

Seeing to it that 2 million unemployed people have just enough to continue their search for a job could be considered nothing of value - except for those 2 million.

For the rest of us? our having our paychecks largely preserved happens to be something of value while we also tend to agree that increasing the revenue of the country with a gentle increase in taxes on those who can most afford it: is also something of value.

Those who's children are now covered under insurance that before wouldn't glance twice at them, can be considered of some value. Those who themselves are being denied any health insurance at all because they are taking high blood pressure meds or cholesterol meds - controlling those pre-existing conditions but not well enough to be considered by health insurance companies - is something of value to them at the very least, to their families and friends, their employers perhaps and the general population as well.

We see your flawed approach to this in your statement "Dumb democrats that won't admit their candidate is horrible". The statement is made in ignorance of realty. Obama is no one's "candidate" because he is Everyone's president, including being yours.

I marvel at those who entreat others to "think for themselves" while they spout the most repeated republican talking points and the most recent Fox distorted "facts".


Well-Known Member
Half the reason people think the country is on the wrong track is because the news spends 5 hours a day talking about how it's on the wrong track. It's the same reason people think school shootings are a major issue even though more people are trampled by cows than killed in school shootings.

Personally, I like Obama. Not saying I agree with him on every issue (ie: gun control, health insurance), but at least he isn't a fucking idiot like Bush.


Active Member
Keeping us from plunging into a major Depression is an accomplishment of great value that no one will give him adequate credit for because folks don't commonly laud people for preventing a disaster that they didn't really comprehend in the first place.


He kept us from plunging into a Major Depression, much like the one we are in after having him in office for 4 years?

We see your flawed approach to this in your statement "Dumb democrats that won't admit their candidate is horrible". The statement is made in ignorance of realty.
OMFG! The irony is too much


Well-Known Member
Oh please, enlighten me on what he has done that means value to you.

Even the uneducated, drug addicts, and free loaders are turning on Obama...

What do you have to say about the fact that even GEORGE W BUSH had an approval rating of nearly TWICE of Obamas?
Funny. Oh so funny.

Oh and btw, I'm not only disgusted at Obama, but congress as well, independent of party affiliation.

the right, in general seems to believe that consensus is some sort of indicator of correctness. They thrive on group approval over honesty, they cling to common belief over honest appraisal. Why, Fox news reports are genuinely unbiased and authentic because FOX has such a wide audience. Bush's approval ratings were high so that means that Bush must have addressed the issues of his day without politicization or bias.

And of course,the day that more people believe the earth is 6000 years old than do not, it will miraculously become scientific fact.


Revolution-we need to rise up and march, stop crying online and march for a change or else the government will continue to control our every decision. The US is the only country controlled by its government. We out number them and we need to show them who we are. I'm not a robot who will continue to be controlled by these evil soul-less dbags. Majority Rules.


Well-Known Member
And what "ban" is that exactly?
no idea what its actually called but it goes into house tomorrow from what i hear and has to do with making anything with a pistol grip class 3, pistols with threaded barrels the same. limiting magazine size to something like 10 rounds, etc. dont know all the info on it.


Well-Known Member
There are more sheep in the usual flock...doesn't mean the sheep are smarter than the shepherd, just that there are more.
No, but it may mean that the shepherd is shrewd enough to have amassed that number of sheep and kept them fat and happy enough not to have strayed from the flock..