It's Time To Play "Name That Smell"!!!


Well-Known Member
After reading up on supercropping, I decided to pinch and bend over a few of the larger branches in my LST grow. As I was doing this, I started to notice a smell...a sort of smelly smell...a smelly smell that smelled...smelly.

The smell reminded me of the best bud I had ever was from my neighbor who had brought it over from a dispensary in California (he had just moved to Florida).

I started smelling around the plant to see where it was coming from, then I wondered if I was just smelling my own shirt lol...but then I found where the smell was coming from...


I couldn't believe such a potent smell was hiding in the plant! I mean, I've rubbed the leaves and smelled my fingers, and I've smelled the tops alone, but until now I had never smelled such a potent, "good weed" smell from a vegging plant.

I just felt like sharing...


Active Member
dude i was bending my backyard plant over the other day n same shit happened

i pinched the stem to bend it and wreaked of danky? i couldnt figure out why it was smelling like dried buds when it was a lil plant in veg still ha i wasnt complaining tho:peace:


Well-Known Member
lol I originally planned on bending only 1 branch to try my hand at supercropping, but after I smelled my fingers I couldn't help but bend another branch over, and then another...and then another...and...then...another!

I love the smell!