It's time to play!! Sex that plant!!


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell yet, but seems like balls. Give it another 2-3 days to be sure.


Well-Known Member
somebody gave me +rep in here, if u leave ur name in the rep box i'd b more than glad to hit u back


Active Member
No neck there that I see... maybe girl. I have a 100% way to tell. wait a week. I have one driving me nuts right now too. pretty sure it's a boy.


Well-Known Member
I've been about to chop ones just like this before, and probably have chopped them, but it's worth waiting till you know for sure. That thing could still open up and spit out hairs. It's not like it's about to pollenate anything quite yet. Give it a few days and he/she will be obvious.


Well-Known Member
They are approx 6 weeks vegged, then 9 days flowered. The other of this strain showed hairs, so this has to be a male.


Well-Known Member
its male. thers a cluster of balls. females usually only have 1 preflower insted a cluster of 3or4 balls