I've been spotted


Well-Known Member
A jogger in my neighborhood spotted my plant and I had a little run in with him this morning.

He said "How's the pot comin" and then he told me I shouldn't worry because he "did the same when he was young".

I'm very very sketched out, i believe this guy is a cop in the city but not locally.

I cannot trust him, therefore I must either move or abort this operation immediately :cry: I cannot take this risk with someone else knowing


where is your plant that a jogger spotted it??? i would abort the mission...maybe start fresh somewhere else, but def abort...


Well-Known Member
Well cops do like to jog bro..I wouldnt take any chances in this case at all unless your are 100% sure you have a remote back up spot that NOONE will ever find even if it means less sun...you react to this very quickly!!! you have the right state of mind that noone should know about your grow..obviously he knew youve been growing though and might be cool if he hasnt said anything yet..... if he asked..'hows that pot COMING' then if he were a cop than he wouldve reported it by now


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that unless he's huge and healthy, knowing you know he's aware might ensure he keeps his mouth shut . . . I mean, he doesn't know if you would have him hurt for messin' w/you. That's where I keep my neighbors . . . not wanting to have to deal with me and knowing that if I have any probs, they're guilty, whether they did squat or not. They want nothing to do w/me and that's perfect.
I'd worry more about getting ripped off than the coppers.
Don't get me wrong now. I'm not mean to the neighbors . . . just "weird" enough . . . and I keep my nose on my side of the fence, which I expect/demand everyone else does in return.
I suppose the 5' fence helps too . . or did until they dragged an old trampoline home.
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Active Member
the # of people you want knowing your spot or spots is one, anyone else finds out and ironically they dissapear magically right around harvest.


Well-Known Member
do some surveilence on your plants. the same as the cops do, except your looking for pigs looking for you.


Well-Known Member
Well if he is a cop he just gave you a warning..."hows that pot coming" sounds to me like he was round about saying I know you have it and it should not be there....ABORT ABORT ABORT red flags and horns should be going off....IMO


Well-Known Member
Was your shit growing right next to a walking path? I mean WTF how did he spot it!!?? You should have been more guerilla with that man and now that a cop knows your growing pot in his neighborhood I'm sure that shit is gonna be killed. Either take it way far away and keep growing or kill it and dont ever grow near your place at all.


Ron Paul rEVOLution


best case scenario here is that the guy is a cool stoner..... even still, it is almost guaranteed that he has/will tell someone, (wife, friend, co-worker)... regardless of how you look at it, security has been irrevocably comprimised....back out while you still can. you can always plant again.... if you are free.


Well-Known Member
Was your shit growing right next to a walking path? I mean WTF how did he spot it!!?? You should have been more guerilla with that man and now that a cop knows your growing pot in his neighborhood I'm sure that shit is gonna be killed. Either take it way far away and keep growing or kill it and dont ever grow near your place at all.


Ron Paul rEVOLution
its funny cause its true


Active Member
yea dude move it to a different spot, dont kill it, because that is just a waste of weed, so if you can move it to a better spot, go for it, and if the guy brings it up again, tell him they died =p

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
A jogger in my neighborhood spotted my plant and I had a little run in with him this morning.

Ok... so was the plant on your front porch or was the jogger jogging in your backyard? I just don't get how a jogger would spot your plant.

Anyway... I'm with the others ABORT THE MISSION!


Well-Known Member
You know what I take all back replant that fucker in his yard all hidden and shit...If he does turn you in you can say what plant? The guy down the street has a funny looking plant and then show them......Ha that will teach him to mind his own business....


Well-Known Member
Listen guys - he spotted it because it's on top of a hill for maximum sunlight. There is a road on the bottom of the hill.

It's gone undetected for almost 3 months, it's just taller then the other plants thats why it got spotted.

I got so paranoid I immediatley took action. I moved the plant to a totally different location, a much safer one where nobody can see no matter where they are. You have to walk through waist-high weeds and prickers to get to it now. I feel much safer but this experience has me really bugged out today.

Everything looks good, nobody saw me make the move, as sketched as i was :-?.

so no abort this time fellas, I think i'll be good. Even if this guy is a cop and has intentions to fuck me over, he has no evidence. He may know that I "had" a pot plant, but if the cops come asking.... 'What pot plant sir?'

There are plenty of other young guys in my neighborhood, why are you coming to me? Was it on my property?


Well-Known Member
Good call..Just make sure that your 100% that NOONE saw you make that move..good idea putting it in the tall weeds and prickers...you should be cool now but i would wait a little while before going back he(or other people) might be scopin the area now knowing there are plants somewhere in the area...glad everything is straight..be safe bro