Ive got everything down to a T.......except picking a spot!


Sup peeps. Im excited for this years grow(Who doesnt get excited right?). It will be my 2nd attempt, the first was a failed indoor one. Had to toss the ladies when I lost my job.

But this times gunna be different dammit! Im doing 20 from seed in New England. I'll document the whole thing when i kick it off in april.........If I can decide on the spots! I scouted my whole local area and found a few "Do-Able" locations, but eventually decided against them for one reason or another. The last thing I want to do is take unnecessary chances and have another total fail of a crop.

Time to hit the maps........again :-o


Well-Known Member
think remote like if somone may have been with 100 yards in the past 10 years its probaly not the best
if you get rped you might have well grown for someone else and not get payed a nickle its alot of work and risk so unless u wana grow for a ripper go remote nock of the badd ods there is still a chance but it is much slimer
ya, thats what I use to make sure the entire spot is free from humanity and then get the boots on for some walking with the dog <----always a good excuse if found near outdoor gardens, I was just walking my dog and he ran after an animal and I was chasing him. :crossfingers: