Jack herer week 3 - droopy after transplant?


Hi all.

This is the first time I grow. Recently, I transplanted six out of my eight plants in total.
I replanted 4 White Widow and 2 Jack Herer to larger pots (8-9 liter pots).

Every plant seems to do just fine. But I'm thinking that one of them, a jack herer (who always been sensitive these weeks) is a bit droopy.
What do you think: http://i.imgur.com/RU0h4.jpg
Overlook (It's the one in the middle-front): http://i.imgur.com/Vyg2I.jpg

It's been like this 3 days in straight now, and I don't think it's overwatering as it was very dry when i watered it today (i added some superthrive to the water). But still no improvement. Should I worry?

Thanks in advance!

P.S - I've checked the PH level and it's fine.


Looks perfectly fine bro. A tine bit of droopyness is normal in most cases while everything settles. Babies looking great! Thats a great smoke too! Enjoy and have fun.


Active Member
Looks good man Those Jacks are a bitch and super sensitive...Mine drooped hella long after transplant but now she is almost 2 1/2 feet tall and lovin life...just see she has the things she needs and she will most deff pull through!!!