Well-Known Member
Anyone had issues measuring nutrient dosage by just blending then reading EC vs weighing grams of powder out?
It depends on the volume. Smaller volumes I eyeball buts it's a hassle to dilute larger volumes if you're just a little bit off.Anyone had issues measuring nutrient dosage by just blending then reading EC vs weighing grams of powder out?
It depends on the volume. Smaller volumes I eyeball buts it's a hassle to dilute larger volumes if you're just a little bit off.
No I was just thinking about it being harder to dilute larger volumes. It's nice when the water source match the nutrients being used. I have really hard water where I'm at but it's optimal since I'm started growing in coir again.I always leave some room for water so if it's off I can dilute it. Do you mean it'd be off some other way? I'm happy so far with results, without any pH adjustment in pure RO the formula mixed up to 5.5 pH @ 1.5 EC quite impressive.
No I was just thinking about it being harder to dilute larger volumes. It's nice when the water source match the nutrients being used. I have really hard water where I'm at but it's optimal since I'm started growing in coir again.
I just mix to 1.2 EC with 0.3 EC base and pH always lands on 6.0-6.1, MC one part.
I've been gettin' pretty handy with the maxi scoop and a 5 gallon bucket with a 20 ml syringe and pH up. By the end of the run, I suck at eyeballing for seed-starting though and have to relearn muscle memory.
I tried weighing, but that the numbers changed too frequently to get a solid system in place for me.
I do all the mixing with a cheap TDS meter.
Only deal with the balls and cancerous powder once in awhile, when mixing a concentrated batch.
First I mix up a gallon jug of part A and a gallon jug of part B. I just put the same amount of scoops for each part every time.. for ease of use, and ability to measure by volumes at some point if I wanted.
The water I use is constantly 32 PPM, so I don't really factor it in.
I do factor in the Espoms salts, but hardly ever need to use it. When i do, I use like 50 PPM worth, on top of the mix.
Now, if I wanted a target solution of 600 PPM, I would first mix the part A by pouring in some of the concentrate, and stirring it up.
Then, keep checking my meter until it hits roughly 360 PPM. After making sure its blended well, I just top up with the calcium nitrate part B concentrate until it hits my 600 mark. That would be 240 PPM worth of calnit.
The basic 3-2 ratios I use would look something like this, depending on growth stages, etc:
Target PPM=====Part A==========Part B
750=========== 430===========320
Er.. I would do the same with a one part too, just make a concentrate, and mix by EC..
Yep, just make a stock batch, like a gallon at a time. I use 2 part jacks, but I don't see why you can't do the same with their 1 part..
I think my meters are 500 scale. Yes seems low, but thats how I run with RDWC. I end up dialing in the perfect feed amount once I know a strain, and they get exactly what they need, which isn't usually over 700-750 PPM in the flowering stage.
Next thing you know, your looking up nutrient dosing pumps, automated reservoirs, and tickets to the Bahamas for a week.. lol
I haven't quite gotten that far yet... I do enjoy using my own mixed up bottles of nutes though, without digging into the bags all the time.
Dude you aren't kidding I'm getting tired of watering by hand every day and manually removing runoff.. I wanna just get a 1:100 doser, fill my rows with thebucketcompany or similar system and let it rip!
it'd be nice to get even 1 day off the grow which hasn't happened in 3 years now. It's my hobby, passion and duty at this point as a caregiver for multiple people.