Jade Helm


Brace yourselves everyone, Jade Helm begins tomorrow and the conspiracy theorists are calling it an invasion, a possible start to a civil war! Lol

Anyone hear of our impending doom?
this is the first im hearing of this.haha
I participated in something somewhat similar, way smaller scale. we were stationed in NC and went to VA for an "operation". or we would sometimes just do it in NC. section off "hostile" areas and cordon and knock. people are paranoid. id much rather have unconventional training taking place around me than a bunch of fat servicemembers. all complacent on Facebook and shit.haha. remember Y2K? and dec2012..then mexican cartel takeover. then north korea. lol.
the sheeple always need something to fear.

FB is the main culprit. had a friend that sent me a picture of a tv with "breaking news north korea launches nukes" spoofed news report. lol. she no longer talks to me about FB.
Oh I'll be shooting like a mother fucker if they come my way...with a camera.

Seriously, enjoy the show if they are in your town. Its pretty amazing to watch many people quickly come into formation, breach and clear buildings, etc.
Lol fuckin conspiracy theorists. How would the word not get around? The people who would participate in jade helm are human before soldiers. They wouldn't harm their friends and families that easily. People need to think about things before jumping to conclusions.
I thought it was hilarious when people were posting pics of tanks in other countries as "proof" that they're sending tanks to Texas (where I live). Or people were taking pics of Walmart fences saying they're making those fences to keep protesters inside when shit hit the fan. Or the idea that walmart and McDonald's we're in on it because they were closing down their stores to keep military supplies in. Funny shit
everyone just gave a hoot, yaknow. like all at once. it was weird. like zombies, everyone just came out one day and started pickin up trash.. giving a hoot brings the hood together.