James Comey Should Run for the Republican Nominee for 2020 President.


Well-Known Member
I think James Comey should run president as a republican.

He is a private citizen.
Trump keeps attacking him anyway, he might as well step on stage and push back.
He is a lifelong Republican.


I would actually like to see him on stage with Trump as much as Harris.

His testimony got trolled hard when it came out in hopes that nobody would watch/read any of them.

I think Trump fans would be interesting to watch respond to having to deal with the Russian attack on our country's citizens in such a upfront way.
Bad choice and bad judgement on his part, he's got integrity, but way too much baggage. Besides I find it hard to believe he or any former justice officials are still in the GOP, ditto for the national security community. Nobody needs to guess how this guy or any other patriot is voting.

Besides the base wants a fucking lunatic, like themselves, integrity is the last thing they are looking for.
Bad choice and bad judgement on his part, he's got integrity, but way too much baggage. Besides I find it hard to believe he or any former justice officials are still in the GOP, ditto for the national security community.
I don't know, at the time he came out with his Hillary testimony what would you have done with Trump saying things like this:

You expect Clinton to squeeze out a win, but Russia is propagandizing the electorate on a massive scale in 2016, and Trump flat out plays it like he is going to use it to screw with everything if the election is a win for Clinton. The republicans were already locked and loaded for Clinton hearings for a couple years to destroy her presidency as it is.

I can see how he would be in a box to chastise her for server, and when Trump won, and Russia got what they worked hard for, what could he have done differently?
I don't know, at the time he came out with his Hillary testimony what would you have done with Trump saying things like this:

You expect Clinton to squeeze out a win, but Russia is propagandizing the electorate on a massive scale in 2016, and Trump flat out plays it like he is going to use it to screw with everything if the election is a win for Clinton. The republicans were already locked and loaded for Clinton hearings for a couple years to destroy her presidency as it is.

I can see how he would be in a box to chastise her for server, and when Trump won, and Russia got what they worked hard for, what could he have done differently?
He broke a basic rule with Clinton, if yer not going to prosecute, shut the fuck up cause nobody will have a date in court to defend themselves and she couldn't do it just before the election anyway. By the margin of the win, he probably had an impact on the result. He should have said we're also investigating Trump for treason, by that standard.
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He broke a basic rule with Clinton, if yer not going to prosecute, shut the fuck up cause nobody will have a date in court to defend themselves and she couldn't do it just before the election anyway. By the margin of the win, he probably had an impact on the result.
He defiantly did, but the Weiner got exposed again just before this. Somehow 'new emails' of Clintons were 'found' on Anthony Weiners laptop.


With the disinformation going on with Trump media (National Enquier, OANN, Fox, etc) and everything the Russian Troll farms were pushing out amplifying what they weaponized, if he didn't say anything, Trump would have been able to say 'Comey and the FBI hid this from America'.
He defiantly did, but the Weiner got exposed again just before this. Somehow 'new emails' of Clintons were 'found' on Anthony Weiners laptop.


With the disinformation going on with Trump media (National Enquier, OANN, Fox, etc) and everything the Russian Troll farms were pushing out amplifying what they weaponized, if he didn't say anything, Trump would have been able to say 'Comey and the FBI hid this from America'.
Surprise is the greatest weapon, American's need to realize that 2016 was America's 21st century Pearl Harbor, you've been fucked over real good and Putin ain't finished extracting his price from Donald yet. Next time it won't be quite so easy, people will be watching with out needing to be told to and without Trump's help either, still yer vulnerable. Your NATO allies are also watching and won't let the Russians run wild on the internet before and during the election, it is in our vital national security interests to help to defend you against this bullshit, even if we have to temporarily shut the internet down in Russia. Canada and Britain are particularly adept at this kind of intelligence game and others are no slouches either. Did you know the Dutch had complete control of the webcams on almost all the computers at the Russian internet research institute that ran the social media campaign against Clinton? They were looking over their shoulders the whole time and saw and (recorded) the attack unfold in real time. This is but a small example of the kinds of help we can provide. We already have Putin's email ordering the attack, so no doubt about it.

We'll be there too to help stomp on Putin's neck when ya get a real POTUS again, not revenge, but necessary for national security and to set an example to others who might be thinking along the same lines. This will probably involve crashing the price of oil and embargoing their oil as well as introducing the Russians to a third stone age until they shit out Vlad.
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Surprise is the greatest weapon, American's need to realize that 2016 was America's 21st century Pearl Harbor, you've been fucked over real good and Putin ain't finished extracting his price from Donald yet. Next time it won't be quite so easy, people will be watching with out needing to be told to and without Trump's help either, still yer vulnerable. Your NATO allies are also watching and won't let the Russians run wild on the internet before and during the election, it is in our vital national security interests to help to defend you against this bullshit, even if we have to temporarily shut the internet down in Russia. Canada and Britain are particularly adept at this kind of intelligence game and others are no slouches either. Did you know the Dutch had complete control of the webcams on almost all the computers at the Russian internet research institute that ran the social media campaign against Clinton? They were looking over their shoulders the whole time and saw and (recorded) the attack unfold in real time. This is but a small example of the kinds of help we can provide. We already have Putin's email ordering the attack, so no doubt about it.

We'll be there too to help stomp on Putin's neck when ya get a real POTUS again, not revenge, but necessary for national security and to set an example to others who might be thinking along the same lines. This will probably involve crashing the price of oil and embargoing their oil as well as introducing the Russians to a third stone age until they shit out Vlad.
But how do they stop the constant disinformation game that they are now engaged in? Everyday new 'members' join up and spread lies to throw smoke for Trump. They start up new 'news' sites and have their troll writers pump out garbage article after article for people like @Bugeye to post links to around the internet in every single chat. Then they use the direct data from places like Facebook and every other dark source on us (around the world) and have have algorithms direct the messages to you that you are most influenced by. Trump gave them our polling data so we know they are hitting our most vulnerable voters and then Trump gutted the agencies that would actually combat this kind of attack.

then let them say that. What made the wrong choice by a mile.
Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan stopped Obama from being able to bring this to the publics attention prior to the 2016 election. And when they finally did announce this was going on, oddly that was the day that the Access Hollywood 'Grab them by the Pussy' tape and Clinton's wiki leak massive email dump occurred. Anything the Dems did after that would have (and was) cried as them playing partisan politics.
I think James Comey should run president as a republican.

He is a private citizen.
Trump keeps attacking him anyway, he might as well step on stage and push back.
He is a lifelong Republican.


I would actually like to see him on stage with Trump as much as Harris.

His testimony got trolled hard when it came out in hopes that nobody would watch/read any of them.

I think Trump fans would be interesting to watch respond to having to deal with the Russian attack on our country's citizens in such a upfront way.

You've already seen him "on stage" though. What do you think "the news" is anyway?
You've already seen him "on stage" though. What do you think "the news" is anyway?
On stage next to Trump in a debate, having the same stage to answer the conspiracy theories that Trump is pushing.

I don't know what you mean by 'the news'
On stage next to Trump in a debate, having the same stage to answer the conspiracy theories that Trump is pushing.

I don't know what you mean by 'the news'

But how do they stop the constant disinformation game that they are now engaged in? Everyday new 'members' join up and spread lies to throw smoke for Trump. They start up new 'news' sites and have their troll writers pump out garbage article after article for people like @Bugeye to post links to around the internet in every single chat. Then they use the direct data from places like Facebook and every other dark source on us (around the world) and have have algorithms direct the messages to you that you are most influenced by. Trump gave them our polling data so we know they are hitting our most vulnerable voters and then Trump gutted the agencies that would actually combat this kind of attack.

Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan stopped Obama from being able to bring this to the publics attention prior to the 2016 election. And when they finally did announce this was going on, oddly that was the day that the Access Hollywood 'Grab them by the Pussy' tape and Clinton's wiki leak massive email dump occurred. Anything the Dems did after that would have (and was) cried as them playing partisan politics.
My garbage sources knew early on that Mueller had nothing on Trump. Your garbage sources expected Mueller report to lead to impeachment. Lol
My garbage sources knew early on that Mueller had nothing on Trump. Your garbage sources expected Mueller report to lead to impeachment. Lol
Ten felony counts of obstruction of justice and being named as an unindicted co conspirator in a crime for which your personal lawyer sits in prison seems like more than nothing
Yet Trump sits in the oval office despite a fraudulent election and the all powerful Mueller investigation. Tee hee. You got some good sources!
Yet Trump sits in the oval office despite a fraudulent election and the all powerful Mueller investigation. Tee hee. You got some good sources!
Yeah, he is the President of the United States, no question there, you guys got us good.

And thank you for the complement, I really put in the time to read through the testimonies, there is so much that never gets reported, much less spammed online.


I wouldn't worry about Mueller, i'd post it again, but he said flat out, as soon as Trump is out of office he will face justice.
Yeah, he is the President of the United States, no question there, you guys got us good.

And thank you for the complement, I really put in the time to read through the testimonies, there is so much that never gets reported, much less spammed online.


I wouldn't worry about Mueller, i'd post it again, but he said flat out, as soon as Trump is out of office he will face justice.
Yeah, he'll just be appointing Supreme Court justices until then, no worries.