Jan or Feb in Hawaii


New Member
ey braddahs

Im thinking about starting a crop either at the end of Jan or the middle of Feb
I wont be around when the real season starts so when do you guys think is better?


Active Member
im having a problem with picking the soil from either home depot or city mill in hawaii do you hve and idea where i can get some good super soil here in the islands cause my plants are not coming out like they use to back in the day cause we use to grow useing dobie type dirt but now i live closer to the ocean the grown here is more acidic and our water has to much chlorine what i'd like to knw if anyone on the islands no of a place tht i can buy good soil for paka from start to finish Aloha


Well-Known Member
We grow year round here... Go to the Hawaii Growers thread and most questions about growing here are answered....
I prefer short season to long season as you get to grow a bunch of varieties within a few months instead of waiting 5 months for long season and the helicopters it brings!

Places to buy soil on Oahu?
There's Kahala Hydroponics on Wailae across from Kahala Mall...
Place in the Sand Island area.... check the hawaii growers thread in this forum...
And Ohana Greenhouse Supply?......
Last week Kahala Hydroponics had the large bags of Fox Farms Ocean Forest for 25$ a bag...