Jar Seed


Well-Known Member
The thread by @BurnzyBurnz got me thinking.

There is much discussion about bagseed. Some saying they'll be hermies and saying that may not be the case. That topic seems like it will never be resolved. But I have a question somewhat related. What about jar seed? Does anyone grow jar seed? If so what were the results? I'm curious because I have this jar of seeds but I don't want to put in the time and resources to grow them if they're just going to be crappy hermies. Thanks in advance for any and all insight into this matter.

These are the seeds in question:

The thread by @BurnzyBurnz got me thinking.

There is much discussion about bagseed. Some saying they'll be hermies and saying that may not be the case. That topic seems like it will never be resolved. But I have a question somewhat related. What about jar seed? Does anyone grow jar seed? If so what were the results? I'm curious because I have this jar of seeds but I don't want to put in the time and resources to grow them if they're just going to be crappy hermies. Thanks in advance for any and all insight into this matter.

These are the seeds in question:

I’d start running them. I got 10 hermies out of 10 seeds. Seeds ordered from Greybeard. So much for breeders packs versus bag seed.
Imo stick with fems or regulars ive had nothing but bad experiences with the exception of ONE bagseed that was good. They are not worth the time unless you're trying for a male but then you're making an unknown breed
You bagseed could be

Foxtailing genetics
Could be a foxtailing female with nanners and no seed production

So many possibilities and its not worth the risk.
Not when you can literally get fems and make your own fem seeds. Or just grow the fem and put all that time and effort into a plant that is WORTH it.
You know where to send some of those. A guy can always yank them. The woods around my place have had all kinds of scrawny or sickly or just weird plants tossed into them. Of course I can fill the “driveway” to my cabin and nobody cares so room’s not an issue with me.
I've grown tons and tons of bag/jar seed and never have I had a hermie. I'm sort of sad I've never seen a herm but I can say weird things have happened. I've gotten some that flowered on their own, I've had a dozen or so seeds from an ounce that all ended up being female- couple of times, I've also had some 3 finger mutants. I've also just had a bunch of results you'd expect from regular seeds. You won't know unless you grow them.
I've grown tons and tons of bag/jar seed and never have I had a hermie. I'm sort of sad I've never seen a herm but I can say weird things have happened. I've gotten some that flowered on their own, I've had a dozen or so seeds from an ounce that all ended up being female- couple of times, I've also had some 3 finger mutants. I've also just had a bunch of results you'd expect from regular seeds. You won't know unless you grow them.
What I hear is an autoflower that threw nanners that bagseed came from.

Nothing wrong with that. Completely viable selfing right there.
If them the only beans ya got, then grow em and find out. The only answer to your question lies in the final results of said bean..