Jesus christ I could puke


Well-Known Member
Purchased $600 in seeds from snowhigh recently with many extras and was robbed....not by him but the fucking mailbox. I thot seeds would show up today and the tracking says it was delivered Thursday. Mail was checked yesterday and no envelope. Unless the mailman took it back, the neighborhood thieves got it. I thot it would be a surprise for the old man to open all the seeds. Nope he went camping and is out of service now. Great present to come home to. No fucking seeds. Happy fucking 4th
I contacted Snowhigh and told him what happened. Mostly just to vent cause it was such a fresh wound. We talked on the phone and John is one hell of a guy. He offered to reship my order minus a few things he might be out of now to my secure addy. This is a fucking unbelievable day. I didn't have any plans cause the world is coming to an end and all that but this has turned out great. I went from absolutely crushed and feeling guilty for letting down the old man to saving the day--mostly John tho lets be real here lol. He told me he didn't want me to send money but I'm gonna do it anyways. People like that that go the extra mile or 50 deserve it and my future business.
As was once said by Danny Aiello in the Bruce Willis movie Hudson Hawk after a limo he was riding in was locked and falling off a cliff down a gorge into a fiery pit of hell and being extinguished by fire sprinklers to save his life.....Can you fucking believe it????!!!!!
I meant find out off the delivery people not the seed dudes
It was usps. Tracking says it was dropped off Thursday. There was other mail in the box on Friday says my brother so it was taken between drop off and the next day. I highly doubt they would take the package back. they never have before even for mail in prescriptions. The prob is that the mailbox is practically on the street. I will be tearing that sum bitch down and installing a new one to the porch wall next to the front door.
If you guys see a shit ton of snowhigh/legendary seeds for sale by private owner, you know where it came from. Fucking scumbags.
If you guys see a shit ton of snowhigh/legendary seeds for sale by private owner, you know where it came from. Fucking scumbags.

The envelope may have been dropped at the wrong house, or possibly accidentally left on the truck.

Or, a couple Youtube "master growers" found your envelope, opened it, saw the word cannabis or a picture of a pot leaf on the packaging and immediately proceeded to smoke the seeds ;)

Either way and all jokes aside, glad you got some reprieve here.
The envelope may have been dropped at the wrong house, or possibly accidentally left on the truck.

Or, a couple Youtube "master growers" found your envelope, opened it, saw the word cannabis or a picture of a pot leaf on the packaging and immediately proceeded to smoke the seeds ;)

Either way and all jokes aside, glad you got some reprieve here.
Well my brother stopped by yesterday to check the mail for his own stuff and told me today there was no envelope but just regular mail. I keep thinking its neighborhood kids as they would prob do shit like that. Crazy is the timing to decide to take that one package that was loaded with shit.
Yeah I'm glad it doesn't have a bad ending lol
Damn bro 600 hundred seeds that’s quite a grow lol
Yeah the outdoor situation is getting a sweeter view with more land acquisition :)