Job Interview...Inevitable Drug Test


Active Member
As the final hit off the bong leaves my mouth I start to seriously think about my approach to clean piss. I have a few approaches and backup plans to this test but I'd like to be able to test clean(and catch a buzz once I pass the test).

So my question is do any specific juices or drinks (besides water and water based drinks) flush out your system effectively or more effectively?


Active Member
theres a ass load of threads talking about this, i heard cranberry juice somewhere but im in the boat where i could get a sick job if i didnt blaze cause they test you but this is my lifestyle and i say fuck it cause i enjoy blazing i dont drink. i dont know about you guys but i'd rather have someone who blazes in their off time work for me than someone who gets drunk everyother night calling in sick cause they're hungover and shit


Active Member
i completely agree but i need to get back working again so I just need a week or 2 of flushing...i heard cranberry juice but I didn't see one immediately and I posted. Baked right now ..finished a bag and rolled all my roaches into one giant joint ...had to finish smiling


Active Member
There are cleansing products all over the Internet that are "guaranteed" to work. GNC even sells a detox drink called Total Eclipse Rely Detox thats supposed to work. Its $44 for 16oz but i say it would be a better bet than cranberry juice.


Active Member
yea I've used a masker and I think I'll test a masker and a home test...i also have a powdered mixture i ordered offline a while back but thats only if i cant pee and pass under any circumstance. I see some thing called Instant Clean Add-it-ive does anyone know if it really works?


Active Member
So I've seen some sights saying all the "masking"drinks do is cause you to dilute your urine and give you the chemicals needed to pass w/o it looking like diluted urine.... I've seen that 100 mg of a b-complex vitamin before the test will give you your yellow coloring back and creatine monohydrate is what you want to ensure proper creatine levels... is there anything else besides large amount of water 2-3 hours prior to the test and these 2 chemicals is there anything else necessary or useful?
I plan on testing the method I plan on using for the test in advance w/ at home drug tests but does anyone else have any tips?