Jock horror auto FIRST LEGIT GROW WOOO!! Send me good joojoo please

What up? My first grow was a bagseed trial run. These little ladies are jock horror autos from nirvana. Is this too close for the cfl? Them being autos, I was advised to transplant them into their final pots for maximum growth as soon as the first true leaves showed themselves. Any suggestions are very welcome. I am running them 20/4, no nutes yet, they're about 3 days old, temps kept between 70 and 80,rh between 25 and 40. IMG_20120217_091604.jpgRock and roll. Love this community.


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for autos, as I've never really used them. And this post is old, so your plant is probably much further along.

But for my vegging, in my vegging cab, I keep my 23Watt CFL about 1½ inches from the top of my seedlings. I would say the key is just make sure it's not too hot. If you place your finger in between your light and the top of the plant, if it is uncomfortably hot to your finger, back it off a bit. So I like to keep it as close as possible while not making my plant too hot.