John Conroy's Short List. Please Help


New Member
Hi everyone, I would like some input on how you would handle this situation. I was contacted by his office asking me to be put on the short list and to testify. I don't have an issue with it other than my real name will be on the docket for everyone too see. I'm totally legal but worry more about rippers then cops. I 'am a class one patient with cancer. What would you do or what advice can you give me? Thanks JAS


I'd testify as well. I think that there is a basic rights to access has been established in the eyes of the court at least, when looking back on previous cases. With that said, our rights our being broken. There is no way that this transition would provide reasonable access as its cost are inflated beyond reason. I ask how could this benefit the ill. I for one would love my voice to been heard on these topics. As a patient I encountered issues a lot many of which is at fault with the lack of research and education of the medication from Health Canada, clearly because they lacked that. I then began to grow which gave me my medication at a reduced cost to me while acquiring a new hobby which gives me pleasure. If this is taken away what is next?


Well-Known Member
I would love the chance to get up there and be heard this is way to important to let it pass us by. be strong and go with your heart

Beaches Compassion

Active Member
You have to decide if it bothers you more to do it, or to know you had the chance to do it and didn't.

My advice would be to be strong and go with your heart also.
I wouldn't think to even imagine it would be easy for you and but you'd have many positive people and thoughts behind you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man. And that may just mean that John Conroy is going to proceed with the case against the federal government and Harper. Go with what your heart tells you to do. There's a lot of sincere people above what I'm writing here. I'm honored to read that someone here got asked to help though. That's so awesome. With respect to rippers, dn't know what your circumstances are. Maybe as a precaution you could plan a tear down and move after the testimony but that sounds like a hell of a lot of work. Plus we don't know if you own your own home or not. So it's hard to give suggestions without knowing. Is there anyway John Conroy can have your personal details sealed so the public can't gain access to it? Ask him. But way to go man. I'm certainly cheering you on as well as the whole John Conroy campaign!


Well-Known Member
I emailed Jason wilcox and he got back to me and said that John Conroy is going ahead with the court case. He said there's some people in Ontario who for some reason are spreading false rumors that he isn't going to proceed. FYI.