John McCain......


New Member
It is wrong to criticize Cindy McCain for plagiarizing recipes from the Food Channel. After all, the ahi tuna and passion fruit mousse recipes were ginned up by some staffer, and were never even seen by Cindy McCain.
America should instead be focused on more important issues when it comes to John McCain. Like how his plan to suspend temporarily the federal gas tax would save the average American, driving 12,000 miles a year, a little more than $27 per year, or enough to buy a pound of ahi tuna through mail order. Or how his pledge to extend the Bush tax cuts for the super wealthy would allow multi-millionaires like John McCain to save over $123,600 a year — enough to buy nearly 2 1/2 tons of ahi tuna.
America should also remember that John McCain’s pledge to keep our troops in
Iraq for 50 to 100 years costs America $340 million per day, and that the $2 trillion that this war will cost would have been enough to provide every American household with renewable energy and enough fuel-efficient vehicles to remove our need to import any energy from Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela. And we would still have a few dollars left over to splurge on a seafood dinner, with passion fruit mousse for dessert.

Let’s keep our eyes on the real issues: not who stole what recipes, but how a third term of George Bush, in the person of John McCain, would be a disaster not only for the schools of ahi tuna, but for America and the world.:mrgreen:


New Member
Gingrich compares McCain to Abraham Lincoln.»

In an interview with GQ magazine yesterday, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich compared Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) effort to rally support around his indefinite commitment to staying in Iraq to “what Lincoln had to do in the Civil War“:
QUESTION: How does your background in history influence your political ideas?
GINGRICH: If you think about the current situation, it helps to remember Harry Truman running in 1948, or even Sarkozy in France. Sarkozy distanced himself from Chirac without being hostile. That’s what McCain has to do with Bush. And what McCain is trying to achieve by explaining the dangers of the world to the public is like what Lincoln had to do in the Civil War.
QUESTION: McCain doesn’t exactly have Lincoln’s rhetorical skills.
GINGRICH: In style he’s closer to Truman, who did not have the rhetorical skills, but had passion.
Gingrich, along with a long list of conservatives, have long sought to cast President Bush as Lincoln-like. Now, with Bush heading out of office, they are trying to do the same with McCain.


New Member
McCain Flip-Flops On The Estate Tax

Sen. John McCain, in September 2005:
I follow the course of a great Republican, Teddy Roosevelt, who talked about the malefactors of great wealth and gave us the estate tax. I oppose the rich passing on fortunes.
McCain today:
The estate tax is one of the most unfair tax laws on the books.
McCain also continues to claim that full repeal of the Alternative Minimum Tax will be a tax cut for “25 million middle-class families.” This is false. Compared to existing policy — the comparison McCain always makes when he tallies up the cost of his program — McCain’s proposal will provide a tax break for fewer than 3.6 million taxpayers, and nearly half of them make more than $500,000 a year...


New Member
Gas prices are hitting all-time highs. Our country is in the midst of a recession thanks in part to our crippling dependence on oil, so what's John McCain's plan? Will he hold the corporate leaders of the energy industry accountable when he addresses them today in Houston? Probably not, considering they are some of his biggest fund-raisers.
The Center for Responsive Politics finds that McCain has accepted over $1 million from the oil and gas industry. Many of McCain's top advisers have lobbied for big oil, which is why he now acts in their best interests, opposing environmental legislation and alternative energy plans. Watch the video: The REAL McCain: Big Oil Fuels the Straight Talk Express


Well-Known Member
Also this is a real good tidbit..... Not that it makes a difference.

Dept of state: McCain not eligible to be president? !!!!!!
McCain was born on August 29, 1936, at the Coco Solo Air Base in the then-American-controlled Panama Canal Zone.
Take a look at this:

From the US State Department website at

7 FAM 1116.1-4 Not Included in the Meaning of "In the United States"

(TL:CON-64; 11-30-95)

a. A U.S.-registered or documented ship on the high seas or in the exclusive economic zone is not considered to be part of the United States. A child born on such a vessel does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of the place of birth (Lam Mow v. Nagle, 24 F.2d 316 (9th Cir., 1928)).

b. A U.S.-registered aircraft outside U.S. airspace is not considered to be part of U.S. territory. A child born on such an aircraft outside U.S. airspace does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of the place of birth.

c. Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President -- The Constitution of the United States, Article II Section 1


New Member
Also this is a real good tidbit..... Not that it makes a difference.

Dept of state: McCain not eligible to be president? !!!!!!
McCain was born on August 29, 1936, at the Coco Solo Air Base in the then-American-controlled Panama Canal Zone.
Take a look at this:

From the US State Department website at

7 FAM 1116.1-4 Not Included in the Meaning of "In the United States"

(TL:CON-64; 11-30-95)

a. A U.S.-registered or documented ship on the high seas or in the exclusive economic zone is not considered to be part of the United States. A child born on such a vessel does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of the place of birth (Lam Mow v. Nagle, 24 F.2d 316 (9th Cir., 1928)).

b. A U.S.-registered aircraft outside U.S. airspace is not considered to be part of U.S. territory. A child born on such an aircraft outside U.S. airspace does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of the place of birth.

c. Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President -- The Constitution of the United States, Article II Section 1
that's hilarious...


New Member
John mccain is not a bad guy. I am having a hard time seeing him being beaten down. It is going to be a bad season for him fighting a charismatic person as obama is. I am a lifelong dem, and feel that mccain should be treated better than what he is going to get.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ McCain is as much of an idiot on Economics as the Miss Teen SC.... Now that is funny and scary at the same time.


Well-Known Member
It is wrong to criticize Cindy McCain for plagiarizing recipes from the Food Channel. After all, the ahi tuna and passion fruit mousse recipes were ginned up by some staffer, and were never even seen by Cindy McCain.
America should instead be focused on more important issues when it comes to John McCain. Like how his plan to suspend temporarily the federal gas tax would save the average American, driving 12,000 miles a year, a little more than $27 per year, or enough to buy a pound of ahi tuna through mail order. Or how his pledge to extend the Bush tax cuts for the super wealthy would allow multi-millionaires like John McCain to save over $123,600 a year — enough to buy nearly 2 1/2 tons of ahi tuna.
America should also remember that John McCain’s pledge to keep our troops in
Iraq for 50 to 100 years costs America $340 million per day, and that the $2 trillion that this war will cost would have been enough to provide every American household with renewable energy and enough fuel-efficient vehicles to remove our need to import any energy from Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela. And we would still have a few dollars left over to splurge on a seafood dinner, with passion fruit mousse for dessert.

Let’s keep our eyes on the real issues: not who stole what recipes, but how a third term of George Bush, in the person of John McCain, would be a disaster not only for the schools of ahi tuna, but for America and the world.:mrgreen:
This administration can't supply shit for any household..New Orleans, could have been rebuilt with what this sham war cost...and how do you think the current flood victims feel..?

Gingrich compares McCain to Abraham Lincoln.» the Lincoln penny..FLAT, DULL.....& COMPLETELY USELESS>>