JohnDoeOntarios Custom Grow From Start


Active Member
Hello RIU

After many months of debating materials, costs, equipment, nutes, ect. I have finally taken the jump into the amazing word of growing your own medicine. I have read some other journals and am amazed at what some people can do with such little resources. If they can do that great of a job then with whats available to me I should be able to make some half decent sht.

This will be my flowering room and I will be running a 400w hps, I plan on adding 2 strips on t5s on the sides for extra lighting. Have a 6inch hurricane inline fan, couple other fans for circulation, warm mist humidifier for extra humidity and heat. The most will be 4 plants. Im high so I may be leaving out some things so feel free to ask.

Im starting off with framing the oddly shapped room I have available, sealing any cracks or leaks. I have layed out the room many times and found myself unhappy with the results. I was always told to do things right the first time so I decided to start with a freshly framed room to work off.

Ill be adding pictures as I progress on my work. Feel free to ask any questions, and also please leave some feedback. Hopefully the pictures turn out okay.



Active Member
Quick update, finished my framing and gave everything a white seal. Next step will be drywall and mudd, think I might use the mold resistant drywall. Just seems like a good idea when messing with humidity in a house.

Tomorrow will be putting up some reflective white sheets (blackandwhite) all over the walls. Going to make a zipper door as a seconday block for light, since the original door isnt 100% sealed. Putting some sheets of stryafoam done on the floor and a thin layer of plywood for some sturdyness. The floor edges underneath has been waterproofed prior to everything. If I get the time set some of the equipment up.

Heres some pics and feedback is aalways welcome.



Active Member
Todays update

Got all the drywall up on my framing. Did some quick taping and mudding (its all getting covered with black and white). Another coat of white paint over everything help seal alk the cracks and drywall. Its slowly coming together, going to probably finish the room tommorrow. Hang some equipment and do some humididty and temp tests to see where I am at.

As always feedback is welcomed, ill check yall tomorrow.



Active Member
Big day today.

Got up all my black and white, sealed all the joints up. Build a new blackout box for the exaust, just so no light goes through. Sealed it all up and cut a hole for exaust hose. Layed some 1 inch thick foam board on the ground, taped it all up for seal. Cut a peice of 3/4 plywood just to flush up the floor and add some rigidity. Ran all of my electrical, timers and got set for my equipment. Set my final touch, Bob.. smoked a fatty with him and sat in the room one last time before it starts pumping out sheer bud.

My equipment as of today is a 430w hps light, a 6 inch hurricane fan bushed down to 3 inch all sealed with foil tape, 1 circulating fan, 1 warm mist humidifier. I will be adding some t5 lighting for side lighting.

The girls have been moved to 2 diy air pruning pots (5g) which will be their final resting place. Im going to finish veg in a few weeks then begins flower. These two are from seed, unknown strain but are from the kush family. They are in 25% worm castings and 75% promix hp. I will be using the Advanced Nutes PH Perfect line. (Micro, Grow, Bloom) and I have a bunch of AN additives (Bud Candy, Big Bud, Overdrive, Voodoo Juice, B-52, and some Grandma Edggys H2 and F1) All mjxed with RO water.

Got some pictures below, as always feedback is welcome.



Active Member
Been a while since I updated this so heres whats changed.

Found out my hurricane fan is too close to the exaust, can hear it outside so will have to rectify that issue sooner then later.

I had an issue with one of my ladys earlier in the week (check my post in MJ issues) since moving her under a bigger light and replanting her in her final 5g home, she is growing a lot better but still have some stunted new growths. Im blaming it on genitetics. Ill add some pictures, the other lady is beastmode.

The big news would be my new purchase of a digital 600w digistar Gavita ballest. Instead of vegging for 3 months under 3 23w cfls, the ladies will be under a 400w mh bulb. Cutting veg time in half not to mention stronger ladies. Also sprung for a new 600w hps to replace my used 430w. Its too early to tell a diffrence but its clear to me ill be profiting from this new set up.

Heres some pictures, as always leave some feedback.



Active Member
Just a quick update with pictures. Its been a bit since I have last updated. Have been lst and topping my larger plant. The other one had some issues (had a thread on it ill be updating that as welll) but the new growth is looking great just wont get a high yeild off it. Heres a picture each, more to come.


Balke Buds

Yo, John Doe...nice looking setup.
They make those peel and stick lenolium squares for the floor....looks like maybe you had them originally...just a cheap option/thought.

So, how the heck did you figure out how to post the pics so they are not sideways?



Active Member
Yo, John Doe...nice looking setup.
They make those peel and stick lenolium squares for the floor....looks like maybe you had them originally...just a cheap option/thought.

So, how the heck did you figure out how to post the pics so they are not sideways?

Thats a great idea actually, I might actually have some in my basement sitting around. Wonder if they are white.

Oh and as for the pictures, I took them sideways. Your minds offically blown, I know.


Active Member
Update time. On my little girl the smaller new growth on the lower parts are really weak. This plants been odd since seed so it doesnt surprise me. The main growth on the top looks great though so im not to worried.

They both look female, the bigger one is just out of control, cant wait to flip these. First three pics are the smaller one, others are the big girl. One picture of the air pruning pots, roots peeking out.

Both seeds from the same bag might I add.




Active Member
Some nice looking plants. I like the 5 gal with the holes in it idea
Diy air pruning pots. As the roots poke out, the tips dry and you just brush them off everyonce and a while. Its supposed to make the roots branch out more inside and not just ball at the bottom. We shall see.


Active Member
Very nice indeed. Love the art work too. :)
You mean bob? Yeah he takes care of the ladies when im not around. Bob knows his shit too.

Doing a small update, I have found myself down the organic rabbit hole. Im going to be feeding my ladies with a light tea inbetween feedings. Im going to document pictures before and after to compare.

Im hoping the tea helps my little retarded plant out seems to not get any better but its always 50/50 with bag seed. My other lady is perfect so she can only get better. Ill post the pictures right after then again in a few days to see any changes.


Yea, recently watched Marley and Marley Africa Road Trip on Netflix. Good stuff. Look forward to the pics :)


Active Member
Busy busy week for me. Just a bit of an update. This is a few days after the tea I fed them. The little guy still not much change but the bigger lady loved it. I untied her, getting ready to flip them in the next week or two.

So clearly my bigger girl is awesome. This small one is throwing me off, the new growth is full of holes like its been chewed on. Haven't seen any bugs or anything. Just strange it can produce huge fan leaves like the one in the picture and then have garbage new growth lol oh well.

Also a root picture from the bigger girls air pruning pot.

