Joined the HPS Club. 1 WW 600 watt HPS tent grow.

Hey All!

My last grow I used all CFL's for veg and flower. My results were decent but my buddy kept bugging me saying I'll never get the fat donkey buds if i dont use HPS lights. Well I finally gave in and decided to give it a try. I am also experimenting this time with the sCrog method. So far I am much happier then when i was using CFLs. No more tangled lights cords and moving bulbs around. The scrog has made everything so much easier to control. I feel much less stressed this time around. Anyway heres what i've got going on right now.

1 White Widow under scrog 21 days on 12/12
Ph. 6-6.5
ppm 1200-1300 Floranova Bloom, Cal-Mag, Kool Bloom.


This one is already farther along then my last grow at 3 weeks. Let me know what yall think.

Just put two fresh cones into my veg tent today as well!

1 very nice looking white widow and 1 little healthy trainwreck Super pumped! I have pics later!
Just Lowered the light about 6 inches or so today and i took some more pics, let me know what you think.

Also have a couple of pics of my babies that i just transplanted.
