jorge cerventes


Well-Known Member
Gonna b setting up grow room that was built in dvd 1 can I use just one 1000 watt hps or do I need 2 600 watt hps


Well-Known Member
I don't have any experience with grows that large but are you going to be using the entire room for flowering or flowering/vegging?


Well-Known Member
I would go with 2 600 being you can get them closer to the buds. One 1000 well it has to be up high so it can shine out.


Well-Known Member
Probably half and half or should I vegg in another spot and run straight flower this my first major grow also


Well-Known Member
Get t-5s for veg and Hps for flower, that way you have low heat and cheap electricty in veg and flowering will always have something flowering. With some time you can drop a plant in flower every 2-3 weeks and if you have room you can veg them long time for a heavy harvest.


Well-Known Member
Should I build a seperate cab to veg like I said space not a problem as I have a unfinished attic and just thought it would be better to cab everything up looking for a heavy perputual setup for family use


Well-Known Member
I would use the 2- 600's also. Can you get a MH conversion bulb and then you will have the best of both worlds


Well-Known Member
Don't cab, that's selling yourself short. Just wall off an area (light proof) for flower and then set up an area for veg. Once you get the hang of it you will maybe want to get Large Yeilds. And make sure you allow As Much Heigth as possible, light can be lowered, and raised :hump:


Well-Known Member
Boneman was lookin at htg supply that's where I'll be ordering from friday so better 2 600 than 1 1000 gonna go with seperate veg area so 2 600 for straight flower


Well-Known Member
Okay so just tarp off an area how much space will the two 600 watts cover and also should I apply meterial to block heat sig


Well-Known Member
2 600s for sure. yeah just get some panda film aka black and white poly. and just hang it where you want it walled off.. just make sure you seal up one of the two areas so you can have 12 hours of darkness.


Active Member
"So in a 4x4 that's 12 plants right and 6x6 is 36 plants"
Depends on how you want to grow your plants, you could just let 'em grow, FIM/top them so they bush out, or try Sea of Green. You might want to figure or right a full plan of your grow, it'll save you a lot of headaches. I also agree with the 2 600 watters, its usually better to go with more lower wattage lights, also 600s are the most efficient wattage.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna go with a sog this will b my biggest grow to date never tried it before could I just veg for a month than switch to 12/12


Active Member
Are you starting from seed or clone? If clone then a month is kind of a long time for SOG. Most people only veg clones 1-2 weeks. Someone on hear ,i cant remember who, doesnt even veg his cuz he takes big clones. Your veg time is going to be determined by how tall you want them to end up and then taking into consideration your strain(s)'s growth characteristics.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
where do people get the idea that t5's are cheaper to run, i mean shit each bulb is 50 watts, its not like those are going to out preform an hid


Well-Known Member
Was looking at northern light big bud cross from attitude beans are on the way gonna grow out 5 keep 2 as mothers and flower 3 than take clones for this room