Juicing Mushrooms?


Well-Known Member
So I been on a juicing kick ever since I purchased my Omega VRT 350, literally juicing EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I can lol!! I was thinking since mushrooms are 90% water one could potentially juice them yea? I plan on taking the flushes from a few cakes and juicing them. What do ya guys think???
So I been on a juicing kick ever since I purchased my Omega VRT 350, literally juicing EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I can lol!! I was thinking since mushrooms are 90% water one could potentially juice them yea? I plan on taking the flushes from a few cakes and juicing them. What do ya guys think???

My juicing brother!!!

I have the Omega 8006. Best $250 I've ever spent.

I've been on the daily juicing habit for about a year now. I juice a full bundle of celery, two cucumbers, six carrots, a hunk of ginger, a lemon, and a few leaves of a dark leafy green every day.

I have no idea if any of the psychoactive compounds would make it into the juice. If they don't, you'll atleast be getting the nutritional benefits of mushrooms juice. I've also had a hankering to juice some cannabis for health benefits also.

Since you have to put shrooms in hot water in order to make tea, I would think that maybe just juicing them wouldn't produce any psychoactive results. But I'm just talking out my ass.
a waste, eat shrooms on a empty stomach .. also the dose will be metered out by whatever you ate...especially if you are eating sugary fruit
a waste, eat shrooms on a empty stomach .. also the dose will be metered out by whatever you ate...especially if you are eating sugary fruit

For best results, I fast for 8 hours and then eat a very very small low fat snack an hour before eating my shrooms.

I've always wanted to try dosing shrooms on the tail-end of a 7 day juice fast. I imagine it would be intense.
smart, that will activate the digestive system.... congratulations on the juice fast BTW....fuck ya, I think dosing after a fast would be amazing
My juicing brother!!!

I have the Omega 8006. Best $250 I've ever spent.

I've been on the daily juicing habit for about a year now. I juice a full bundle of celery, two cucumbers, six carrots, a hunk of ginger, a lemon, and a few leaves of a dark leafy green every day.

I have no idea if any of the psychoactive compounds would make it into the juice. If they don't, you'll atleast be getting the nutritional benefits of mushrooms juice. I've also had a hankering to juice some cannabis for health benefits also.

Since you have to put shrooms in hot water in order to make tea, I would think that maybe just juicing them wouldn't produce any psychoactive results. But I'm just talking out my ass.

Hell yeah dude!! I love the Omega :) I juice mainly carrots, kale and some ginger root! I been trying to get some garlic in, but man its rough to stomach lol.
smart, that will activate the digestive system.... congratulations on the juice fast BTW....fuck ya, I think dosing after a fast would be amazing

Yeah fasting is a spiritual experience in itself. I can't imagine dosing during the fast on a beautiful sunny day.

Hell yeah dude!! I love the Omega :) I juice mainly carrots, kale and some ginger root! I been trying to get some garlic in, but man its rough to stomach lol.

Yeah, fresh garlic is pretty rough. And it's not the easiest thing to juice in large amounts of very often, you know cause of the smell. You don't want to offend other people. :)

If you want to get the same benefits of fresh garlic and then some, try purchasing an aged garlic extract supplement. The aged garlic produces no odor and has added benefits over fresh garlic. I recommend the Kyolic brand.
Hey wait a min..eating is not fasting..lol
I would think the juicer would get some of the compunds but mostly liquid and I'm pretty sure the psilocin is stored in the flesh of the mushroom and that gets put in the return bin of the juicer..id make tea if you want to stick to a juice diet and not eat..
I've fasted for 48hrs before a shroom trip and it was a ride but a quick one..onset and peak were quick and so was the taper off of the effects..
Good luck!
Hey wait a min..eating is not fasting..lol
I would think the juicer would get some of the compunds but mostly liquid and I'm pretty sure the psilocin is stored in the flesh of the mushroom and that gets put in the return bin of the juicer..id make tea if you want to stick to a juice diet and not eat..
I've fasted for 48hrs before a shroom trip and it was a ride but a quick one..onset and peak were quick and so was the taper off of the effects..
Good luck!

I always eat them on an empty stomach, I just had this weird idea to juice them since I been on this juice kick lately lol. I am prepping my jars today. Should have pics soon :)
I mean,if your groowing em and don't mind the loss of some,an experiment would be kinda cool..crumble up the spent cakes and dry em out and you'll have some real hippy granola...lol
Because of the toughness of the cells of the mushroom you may not get it all in the juice, further, the active chemicals are not fully soluable in water, so it is likely that what you DO get is actually small pieces of mushroom suspended in the juice. I am not familiar with the juicer you have but i doubt my masticating juicer would do a very good job on mushrooms. It just isn't that tough to eat a little over an ounce of fresh mushrooms and get a nice time. A bit tough when you want to double that though.