July,17,2010 is when these 6 where planted


Active Member
Like I said these 6 Purple Kush seeds went into the soil on July 17th, so it'll be 3 weeks tomorrow. Its under a 400 watt MH light with a 70 dollar Baker rotating fan on low speed. I've been keeping the temp at 87 degrees according to my thermometer. As of now they are all natural, no chemicals, just normal tap water, on 18-6, in FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil. Once they go to the flowering stage I'm going to use the Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom, but like I said as of now there all natural. Please let me know what you guys think so far, any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated, THANKS in advance + repp for any advice.:hump:


Active Member
Alright man, sounds good thank you......anything else? anyone have any tips or anything else that could be of use?


Active Member
Yeah that picture right there is from about 2 days ago, so they grew a little bit more. Not THAT big of a difference though. any feedback, is good feedback. =]


Well-Known Member
look like there just trucking along. you should see mine.

these are just as old as yours. yet....... this is my first grow. :/


Active Member
Uhhhhh....I'd hate to be a negative person.....but it looks like you didn't prune the leafs, so there going to be tall, skinny, and lengthy which is something you don't want. On top of doing that the earliest set of leafs are discolored and drying out which either means you have nutrient burn, or your light is to low. I'd recommend finding out which problem it is and fix it ASAP! and I'd also prune your plants right away becuase there going to grow way too tall if you don't, and on top of that when and if they even do make it to the flowering stage, there going to be too top heavy from the buds and collapse.


Well-Known Member
oh no! i completely agree. i fucked up and seeded this babys in MG (WITH SLOW RELEASE NUTES!!!) BIG fuck up on my part. however this is my first grow and however negative ur advise might seem to you its REALLY REALLY valueble to me. im afriad of transplanting for fear of DEATH. plus under my five cfls. they cant get much closer. ofcoarse for the first 2wks of life the lights were bout a foot away. ...... so depressed. thinking about getting some organic soil and starting over tomorrow. however i havent lost hope for my first four.
check out my grow journy.


Active Member
Why do you say you want to transplant them? I would suggest just flushing the soil by adding a lot a lot of water to get the soil and roots at a fresh start. Plants are amazing things man, they are just like us. When we are sick we look all gloomy and weak, which is what is going on with your babies right now. If you flush them out and just stick to being natural,adjust the light, and prune the tops of the plants they will start to look healthier and be back and better then ever before you know it. I wouldn't start over if I was you because this is your first grow....think of this as your experiment and just learn from your mistakes, If at the end when its all said and done you end up with a gram or any bud you will be happy and know what to do next time, and what NOT to do. Over all though I'd say just read read read read read and do what you know, let the plant help you with what you dont know, because naturally your going to make more mistakes a long the way since its your first time, its unavoidable. So you wouldn't want to just scrap it, throw away all the time you wasted on just a mistake. shit happens. Good luck man if you need advice PM me.


Active Member
Flushing soil that has slow release fertilizer only releases more fertilizers into the soil. You need to transplant into better soil that has no pre-mixed nutrients. After the plants are are rooted in the new soil use a complete fertilizer with micro elements in it as recommended by the manufacturer. Leaving these plants in this soil will probably result in death before good rooting occurs. They look like the could grow out of this, but the soil change will be the best course of action.


Is it recmended to prune that seedling (mines are little little taller but healthier... no offense...) if trying LST?
These looks more sativa than indica (taller than fattys)


Well-Known Member
Why do you say you want to transplant them? I would suggest just flushing the soil by adding a lot a lot of water to get the soil and roots at a fresh start. Plants are amazing things man, they are just like us. When we are sick we look all gloomy and weak, which is what is going on with your babies right now. If you flush them out and just stick to being natural,adjust the light, and prune the tops of the plants they will start to look healthier and be back and better then ever before you know it. I wouldn't start over if I was you because this is your first grow....think of this as your experiment and just learn from your mistakes, If at the end when its all said and done you end up with a gram or any bud you will be happy and know what to do next time, and what NOT to do. Over all though I'd say just read read read read read and do what you know, let the plant help you with what you dont know, because naturally your going to make more mistakes a long the way since its your first time, its unavoidable. So you wouldn't want to just scrap it, throw away all the time you wasted on just a mistake. shit happens. Good luck man if you need advice PM me.
MG has slow release nutes. He doesnt want to try to flush that soil.


Well-Known Member
Hold off on those nutes let them sit a bit without feeding them..
Let them dry out and Just use plain ph water . Your temps are a bit high also try to get that lower high 70`s is way better than high 80`s / Your pots are also small and will need to be in a bigger pot ..

Avoid plant stress by Just starting off in the pots you are going to use through the entire grow no need to transplant thus a happier stress free plant .. ..I always start in the pots i grow in no stress for the plants

I also planted the same time you did July 17 mine popped on the 17th,,, And your`s should be looking like these The black pots are the 17th the white pots are 1 week today. under 430 watt HPS now going to switch over to 100 % =600 watts Do not prune/ do not flush them just let them ride it out no more nutes Good luck



Active Member
Get them seedlings out of that MG now! I made the same mistake and almost lost all my plants. I gently transplanted them to Ocean Forest and within a day they were looking great. Do it. I don't fear touching my young plants. I just had one that sprouted too tall. I pulled out the soil and seedling and removed some soil from the bottom so it sits lower. No problem.