Jungle Growth Soil


Well-Known Member
I saw this at the store the other day..I was wondering if this is good enough to work? say compared to pro-mix or ocean forest?

Anyone heard of this or used it?


Well-Known Member
Can you get Ocean Forest or Pro Mix in your area ? Just go with them, ProMix is $7.99 a bag and you can't beat the results and regular Pro Mix is cheaper. If you want the expensive soils they are good to.

If you want Jungle Growth just because it's at Lowes and easier to pick up, don't do it.

I just looked it up for you and it contains fertilizer so it will kill your plants.

Just remember Pro-Mix is a proven medium along with the expensive soils from the Hydro shops, even if it is a little out of the way go get it, how many times are you going to need to buy it anyway ?

The best way to get good results is by copying what others have done and not by substituting items that are close and should work. Soil is a pretty important component to your grow.


Well-Known Member
I just looked up prices

Pro-Mix Organic $7.99
Pro-mix Regular $6.99
Fox Farms $20.25

If anyone wants to add their soil to the mix we can start a soil price guide.


Active Member
hey man, I just read your article about Jungle Growth killing Plants which isn't cool. Does this pertain to all things made by jungle growth itself or just to a perticular mix or NPK ratio. I started in clay pots with .25 .12 .12 mix it was sweet until the 4th shoot. Is where it decided to turn yellow and a bit spotty on both plants on the under leaves. i was reading some info about nitrogen diffencies and so on. Is there anything that i could do so save em... i.e rip them out and get new soil is the direction that im looking at the moment. any help would be stright up champion.



Active Member
I just saw this soil today at lowes and while I didn't buy it I was wondering about it. I'm glad I found this post. But where could you find pro mix and fox farms without buying online?


Active Member
I just saw this soil today at lowes and while I didn't buy it I was wondering about it. I'm glad I found this post. But where could you find pro mix and fox farms without buying online?
local hydro store

go to foxfarm website and search local dealers