Just a few questions from a noob.


Active Member
Hey guys! I have just a few questions concerning a first time grow. I'm planning on trying to just experiment with growing just 1 plant of bag seed first. If all goes successful I might try a hydroponics system. (I just need this for my own uses and I'm not really trying to produce a ton of bud) If I want to germinate it naturally in soil what exactly do I need to do as far as lighting? Should I just bury it up a quarter inch in the soil and then water it and just wait for it to come out of the growing medium or should I bury it up, water it, and leave light on it? Also how much will 1 plant smell if I plan to keep it at around a foot fully flowered? The smell isn't so much a problem to me, I would just like a gauge. Are we talking like the room that I'm in will wreak or just the box I'm going to use, or will it spread into the rest of the house and wreak the house up. (I have company sometimes and don't want it to be overly obvious) Anyways, thanks for your time reading this wall of text.:confused:


Active Member
I'm sorry I meant that I was going to flower it when it was about 12 inches. I know it keeps growing after flowering starts.


Well-Known Member
he said he didn't really care...so ya go ahead...and no 1 plants won't smell too bad as long as u keep it ventilated...2 will be well 2x as much smell...u do the math


Well-Known Member
you will need a paper cup a couple of 26watt cfl's they will say daylight 6500k, ph tester to check the water. your better of germinating the seed first so your not wasting your time just put it in a cup or paper towel wet it put it in a dark place check it every day to see if anything has happend and if it needs to be wet keep it damp not soaked then put it in a paper cup with some soil root down make the hole as deep as the tip of a pen about a quater of a inch a nuff to cover it. then you want to keep the soil wet not soaked o and put some holes in the cup so the water can drain and put it in a dark place till it pops up then right under light 1 cfl 6500k will do for a couple of weeks after that you wil need more light i dont give it nutrients till after the 2 week that should get you going for now when you get past this point let me know hope it helps

Sour T

Active Member
idk if your growing bag seeds and you do produce a female its going to stink pretty bad its not gonna be a good bud smell your house is gonna smell like reggie green and if your in the US its winter its not like you can open a window and a fan is just gonna whip the smell around the room not venalate it. idk dude but still good luck :)