just a fun guessing game :)

Some more info:
"I was not 12/12 from seed. I was vegged under 3 23 w fluorescent bulbs and put into flower the day after the first photo was taken. Ive been flowering under 5 23w warm fluorescent bulbs recently having one replaced with a 26w uvb fluorescent bulb. For what its worth, i have grown from 10 to 32 inches tall since being put into flower." When someone guesses correctly i will let yall know!


Well-Known Member
Some more info:
"I was not 12/12 from seed. I was vegged under 3 23 w fluorescent bulbs and put into flower the day after the first photo was taken. Ive been flowering under 5 23w warm fluorescent bulbs recently having one replaced with a 26w uvb fluorescent bulb. For what its worth, i have grown from 10 to 32 inches tall since being put into flower." When someone guesses correctly i will let yall know!
awwww how cute


Well-Known Member
That is somewhere around 3-4 weeks in imo. They are incredibly hungry..... For more light.

I assume this two bowl plant is for practice?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Who cares? Weeks, days FAH!
I never do.....I just look for them to finish ! Easy to see when those last cpl of weeks arrive.