just a question about my set up


Active Member
Hey all, I have 5 plants, now 22 days since germination. I am growing them in my partially completed grow box under 6 27 watt CFL's. I have just added two more (making 6) today using 'Y' splitters. under 4, my highest temp in the day was about 20C. with the addition of my two bulbs the overall temperature has risen to about 25C and my bulbs are hot, some almost too hot to touch. from what i have read CFL set ups usually run cool to the touch, or am i wrong? just wondering if 6 running off of 1 110v outlet is too much? they are wired in paralell should i wired them differently?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Try running 3 bulbs per extension cord.

Can you get a fan running in the room.. It does not need to be directly on the plants.. but the plants should be moving..

Have you started to flower?

picture please..



Well-Known Member
When you run a fan I suggest an oscillating fan so the leaves don't get wind burn from a constant breeze