just a quick question, that mite help all of us


Active Member
is a their a way to make a plant grow realy big realy fast. the reason im asking is i grow indoors an i only have till the end of the year to grow . i am moving out of state and my licence isnt good were im goin, so does any one have any ideas on what i could do to make a real big batch b4 i leave . i would like to know if thers any secrets on growing a big plant fast


Well-Known Member
All you can do is provide the optimum conditions for growth and leave them to it. There is no magic technique or potion.


Active Member
ok. well i think i got that down then, one of my budies told me to grow it outside for a month then put it indoors . for 2-3 weeks then back out side, , acording to him, every time hes done that his plants get bigger. but i dont know . i just like keeping them indoors, and not mess with them